Chapter 7980 chapter dull pain

When she licked the small vines, there was no reaction.

It seems that after she took out the broken sword, the little vine suddenly began to worry.

What is this because?

Could it be because the small vines are the descendants of the original vines, so they hate her? So the sense of breaking the sword will only be awkward?

If this is the case, it is really difficult.

Little vines must be very resistant to her, and I am afraid it is not so easy to use it for my own use.

In addition, I don't know if it is an illusion. She thinks that the small vine can fly into her left hand while she is not worried, but it seems to be only a subconscious act, and there is no intelligence.

On the contrary, when it is worrying, it seems to suddenly come alive.

Then the question is coming, she can't always use the broken sword to stimulate it to worry about it?

Don't say anything else, she doesn't want to be rolled out again.

When the cloud was smashing, the door knocked outside.

She thought it was Shan Huang, and they came out to open the courtyard door.

Unexpectedly, standing outside the courtyard door is Lan Yuanhan.

Lan Yuanhan did not miss the boring color of the flash in the eyes of the beginning of the cloud, and the faint pain spread from the heart.

This feeling is very strange, let him be both awkward and a little scared.

He didn't know why, there was an impulse to get close to the single, hesitated for a long time, or came over.

Although Yunchu wanted to close the door, but in order not to lose the vest, he asked coldly: "Are you looking for me?"

The mood of the blue yuan under the cold pressure of the Lanyuan said: "I heard that your sword spirit has a problem, it is estimated that you are temporarily unable to control it, which is somewhat similar to my situation.

I have a set of laws here to better control the sword spirit, I want to teach you, the right to make up for the loss caused by the previous Qilin sword spirit. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, it was a bit tempting. She is now unable to control the small vines. If she learned this set of laws, it might have an effect.

However, when she thought that Lanyuan Han was probably a blue dust, she was very resistant and didn't want to have anything to do with him, so she thought about it or refused.

"No, my little vines are very obedient. I used to just play with me! If nothing, I am very busy, please come back!"

Lan Yuanhan still has something to say in the future, and Yunchu’s first shut down the courtyard door.

Lan Yuanhan couldn't help but be annoyed, so he is a prince. This single is too much to give him face!

However, my heart quickly rushed up another emotion to dilute his anger.

He touched his heart and only felt a dull pain there.

He is even more confused. What is this because of this?

Qilin Jianling licked his mouth, because of what? Is this not easy? ! Criminal, hey!

The stinky girl doesn't give you a good face. What kind of law do you still send to the rush? Isn't it guilty? What is it? !

It counts as a **** disease for eight generations. How did it spread such a master? !

If he didn't feel that he had a friendly atmosphere, he would not choose him at the time.

The result is good, it has been blocked since it broke the shell, if it is not without other choices, it really wants to marry him.

Qilin Jianling complained for a while and thought of the scene she had seen before.

Although it is very happy to see the little girl bad luck, but it is a little uneasi in my heart.

Where did the little vine come out?

There is no such thing as a ghost on its site. What is it?

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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