Chapter 8004 is mad

The Tutor and others worried about the situation of the dean, and they took turns to comfort him. Even Shili vigorously ran to persuade.

Unfortunately, the results have been minimal.

The old man was stunned day by day, and even the eight-shelled man on his back seemed to be a bit frustrated.

He is really desperate!

Although the last time in the original source of the Holy Land, the students also heard the fact that the source of the vines said that he was reading the words, but once he said nothing, the second is only a few students, and he only needs to bite and refuse to admit it.

But this time is not the same, the picture inside the mirror is clear, and this thing has been fully realized.

When he thought of the whole sea, he knew this thing. When he thought of those people who looked at his eyes and the ridicule that he was about to receive, he suddenly felt that there was no love.

The tutors saw the people persuading them to be ineffective and eager to turn around.

Finally, the dead horse was a living horse doctor, and the cloud was screamed at the beginning.

His idea is very simple. In addition to the dean, the entire Royal Military Academy, the most bad water is a single long, perhaps she can unlock the heart of the dean.

At the beginning of the cloud, I promised to be very refreshing. Although Lao Wangba did not add her to her before, but she was still good, she naturally could not sit idly by.

So, the goods accompanied by the Tutor, sneaked into the bedroom of the Dean.

The dean was lying in bed with a dull gaze, even though the two of them came in without any reaction.

At the beginning of the cloud, the old man was half-dead, and he snorted and laughed.

At the beginning, I was more restrained, and then I laughed on my stomach.

The dean immediately opened his eyes and turned to the beginning of the cloud.

Not only did the cloud not converge, but also smiled and said:

"Dean, you don't know, now your things are spread all over, everyone knows your hobbies.

Everyone said that I didn’t expect you to have a pair of flowers and intestines. It’s really old-fashioned! ”

"I heard that there are still a lot of old ladies who ran to the Royal Military Academy and wanted to be your wife, but they were stopped by the guards."

"I heard that if you have any, this shop will use you to solicit business, and say that your words are bought from them."

"I also heard that there are words that are now your main character! Or the one with a color hat!"


The dean was arrogant and stunned at the end.

The tutor was anxious and angry, and while he was feeding the medicinal herbs to the dean, he angered the beginning of the cloud: "I am asking you to persuade the dean, not to let you come to him!"

If you give the dean a good sigh, I am not finished with you! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I smiled and said:

"Tutor, I am attacking with poison! Besides, the thousand-year-old turtle of 80,000 years, he can't die, you can rest assured!"

The retired chief who just woke up heard the words, and the screaming stunned.

The tutor’s heart regrets this, he should not let this single come over, it is simply to add chaos.

Swearing, the dean was reawakened again, and the old man changed his mind before he changed his life. He pointed to the swearing at the beginning of the cloud:

"You have a conscienceless rabbit, and I have been taking care of you before I lost. Do you want me to die?"

"I am blind, I still feel that you are a good, heart-to-heart, to you, but you are spreading salt on my wounds, you give me a roll! Get out immediately!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "The tutor, I said that the dean is okay, you see him licking me more! It is more spiritual than usual!"

The tutor’s face is speechless. Is this spirit? Is this crazy? !

Three points to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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