Chapter 8038

Shi Chong saw no one dared to scream, more arrogant.

He originally thought that being captured by the Hai people had fallen for eight generations, and the real mood was low for a long time.

It was not until he realized the idea of ​​occupying food that he had regained his pleasure.

In the past, the people of the gods and the devils were not mentioned. Even the people of the Kunlun Orcs were very humiliated because they were not seen by the Kunlun Emperor.

Now the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. Those who have been high in the past can only rely on their charity to survive. It is simply too deflated!

At the beginning, Qi Xiu and Yan Yuan will come over to supervise the battle. Later, when they saw the demon and the demon, they did not have the rebellious heart, and they did not have the ability to resist. It just came, and everything was handed over to Shi Chong.

This also makes Shi Chong smug!

Sometimes he doesn't even think about it, but he has always been trapped here, and he is at least comfortable.

As for the future, if you can really go out, you will get revenge and the like, and it is not within his consideration.

Nowadays, there is wine drunk today. It’s a day of fun. Is it so tired? !

He glanced at the crowd and said:

"If the total amount of food has increased, you can give more to your gods, but if the total amount of food does not change, then I am embarrassed, business as usual!"

The face of the water protection law was immediately gloomy. I thought that he was a person who was in the dry land before the rain. The small characters like Shi Chong did not enter his eyes. Now they are being bullied into such a way that they have already caught a fire.

However, he did not say anything, and he was prepared to look at the food situation. It is better to not be able to conflict or not, because even if the gods and the devils are together, they are not the opponents of these orcs.

After about a quarter of an hour, the light on the round table flickered and the transmission array turned on.

Everyone looked at the round table with their necks open, and they expected the food and water to be more, so that the days were better.

However, some people soon complained: "How is food and water the same as last time? Isn't this going to starve to death, thirst for us?!"

"Yeah, three hundred captives were brought in. The food and water are the same as before. What do the sea people want to do?"

If you want to kill us, you can do it directly, so it is really shameless to torture people! ”


Shi Chong and the Orcs did not say anything. Anyway, for them, food and water have always been sufficient. Here, the weak meat is the only law of survival.

Shi Chong let his men protect the food and water, and then said: "Since the food and water have not changed, then follow the previous rules, queue up and lead!"

The water conservation law is really unbearable, saying: "Shi Chong, we have so many people in the demon family, you are more to give us some, or else someone will live to thirst and die of death."

Shi Chong turned over the lion's eye: "Turn off my ass! Who made you gods and gods useless, and captured so many people?! Starving and thirsty death is also a deserved!"

The water protection method was almost suffocated!

Pointing at Shi Chong anger: "Shi Chong, you have to deceive too much! You are not afraid that one day we will get out of trouble, will you get retribution?!"

Shi Chong once again turned over the lion's eye: "Then wait for you to have a chance to get out of trouble and say, anyway, my master said here!"

The water conservation law has to be debated, but it has been pulled by a few people beside them, because it is not wise to come with these orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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