Chapter 8062, it is really terrible.

The colorful little mushroom still didn't react, just like the words that didn't hear the beginning of the cloud.

The cloud is not annoying, continue to say:

"The reason why I am so patient with you is to look at the little mushrooms.

You must be curious about who is the little mushroom? Right?

The small mushroom is very similar to your appearance, except that the cap is rounder than you..."

The words of the beginning of the cloud have not been finished yet. The colorful mushroom is eager to ask: "Have you seen it? Where is it?"

The dog tail grass in Dantian heard the words of colorful small mushrooms, especially the sound of the boy’s voice, which was discovered by the colorful little mushrooms.

Finished the scorpion!

It is a public!

This goods comfort yourself, maybe it is its big scorpion or a small scorpion, not panic.

When I heard the colorful little mushrooms at the beginning of the cloud, my eyes flashed slightly: "I have seen it naturally. It has been living with me for a long time, but it is only for some reason.

As for where it is, I can't tell you because I am not sure that you and the little mushroom are enemies and friends. ”

The colorful little mushrooms are in a hurry, and they don’t care much about what they think, and they say impatiently:

"We are chaotic twin mushrooms, one yin and one yang, and always a partner. We will not give up when we live. You tell me, where is it?"

When you hear the colorful mushrooms, the dog's tail grass feels that you are going to die!

No wonder it is so good, so good to the little mushroom sister, the little mushroom sister has turned a blind eye, it turns out that people have long been the Lord!

It’s a bit of an infatuation that has actually paid for the object, it’s really terrible!

It now regrets that the leaves are green!

If I knew that I would hook up such a rival, it said nothing before.

Thinking of it, it angered the little vines!

What's special, if it is not competing with itself, will it want to make meritorious deeds?

If you don't want to make a contribution, will it give off your breath?

If it doesn't scent, will it hook up a rival?

So, rely on this **** little chopsticks!

The source is so great? Pooh! What the hell!

If it is not a baby now, fear it!

Look at its ugly, a whole leaf grows up and down, no different from bald!

There is still that voice, and I can’t hear a male or female. Maybe it’s an eunuch!

At this time, the colorful mushroom eagerly asked: "I have told you my identity, you should always tell me where it is?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he sighed: "I don't want to tell you. It really involves a big secret. If this secret is known, my life is hard to protect.

I am not familiar with you, naturally I can't easily tell you such a big secret. ”

The colorful yellow mushroom cover on the seven colors of the light suddenly turned black, obviously it is going to worry.

At the beginning of the cloud, he grinned: "What? You still want to move with me? I am not going to be you, you are not our opponent.

Moreover, before you can clearly provoke the entire trial ground to tremble, but did not break the ground, obviously the power has been exhausted the vast majority, you are now the end of the strong, do not waste effort! ”

The colorful little mushrooms smelled, and the black light above the cap gradually dimmed.

Because the cloud is right, it has indeed reached the end of the strong.

It was also recently revived. Before it was sensed by the smell of the dog's tail grass, it immediately became a joy.

If the power of the master of the breath is swallowed up, its repair will surely soar, and this will exhaust most of the repairs from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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