Chapter 8568 Fudge

Pablo nodded: "You make sense, but there is another possibility."

Yun Chuxian raised an eyebrow: "What possibility?"

Wording word by word: "It was abducted by you!"

Yun Chuyu: "..."

She took a deep breath: "Brother, you look at me too much! Even if I want to abduct, the root branches can not be abducted!

Forget it, I really can't prove to you what I said is true.

I can't take you to the source holy land to let you see Lan Yuanhan's absorption of the source holy land with my own eyes, and two can't let the emperor and Lan Yuanhan personally acknowledge their intentions.

Let's just say that what I said is false. Lan Yuanhan didn't do such a crazy thing.

I just ask you, do you want to stand out? Do you want to make your octopus family a first-class force? Do you want to prove to the world that you are a stand-up figure? "

He gave a bitter grin: "Thinking naturally comes to mind, but this cannot be done overnight.

Don't you want me to follow you? Even if I'm not afraid of death, I can't let the entire octopus family be buried for me.

Youyou sister, today I didn't hear anything when you were right, you said nothing, you go back! "

Yun Chuyu took a deep breath: "It seems that I misread people. You are a glutton who is greedy for life!"

The bitter smile on Ba Ba's face was even worse: "Yes, I'm a glutton who is greedy for fear of death. After all, it's better to live than to die."

Yun Chuyu nodded and said, "So, aren't you planning on marrying?"

Ba Ba's face suddenly froze: "This, what does this have to do with her ?!"

Yun Chuyi sneered: "Of course, it has a relationship. If you don't try to change, then your identity is so different from that of Yuanqiang. Lord Ming will never give you Yuanqiong at all.

But if you listen to me, you will become the hero who saves the sea clan, and your octopus clan will also become the upstart. Not only will Lord Ming Ming not stop you, but he will also send someone to come to you to tell the match.

Brother, please ask for wealth, why don't you try it once?

Moreover, think about it, since I followed you, which thing have I lied to you? Which thing did we mess up?

Trust me again, this will be the most correct decision in your life. "

Something goes on and on, but what happened to him? Seems like I can't count both hands!

However, the latter sentence is true. None of the things he followed along with Youyo's sister seemed to have failed, all of them succeeded.

But this time the matter is so important that it can't make the whole octopus family suffer.

Yun Chu's eyes flickered: "Buddy, I know what you are afraid of. It is nothing more than a fear that if something fails, it will affect your family.

This is easy to handle. Let ’s pull some people into the water. The so-called law does not blame the public. Even if things really fail, the emperor ca n’t kill all the sea people, right? !!

After a few days, Gou Ren will come. When you listen to me, you will be guaranteed to pull them all into the water.

Besides, there are many farts in the Sea Emperor!

As long as we work together, we can certainly defeat their father and son.

When you think about it, you are standing in front of the billowing scenery, her eyes will be full of admiration and admiration ... "

Suddenly, Babao's face showed a longing look, and the picture was so beautiful that his head became hot for a moment: "Okay, I will trust you again!"

Continue tomorrow night!

(End of this chapter)

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