Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8570: Don't offend her

Chapter 8570: Never Offend Her

Seeing that Yun Chuyi didn't speak, thinking that she had nothing to do, she said, dejected:

"Youyo sister, otherwise forget it!

Sorry, the sky is falling and the tall man is standing. We can't take the risk. "

Yun Chuyi sneered: "The tall man is standing? When the tall man is killed, the short one will not run!"

Since you have already boarded my thief ship, I will say less frustration in the future, otherwise I will mix you up with the tumultuous things. "

Bravo: "..."

What must he have done in his last life, otherwise why did he encounter such a devil in this life? !!

He said angrily: "Tough words can't solve the problem, I will ask you, is there any way you can convince the Sha family and the Jing family?"

Yun Chuxian raised an eyebrow: "I don't have the spare time to persuade them. As long as I do a little trick, they will take the initiative to help us against the emperor and Lan Yuanhan."

Puff up!

"Youyo sister, I know you have bad water in your stomach, but what you said is too ridiculous, right?

The patriarchs of the Jing family and the Sha family are well thought out. Will they be against the emperor? Stop joking! "

After Babao said, looking at Yun Chu's seriousness, he didn't look like a joke, he tempted, "What do you want to do?"

"The Jing family and the Sha family are two superpowers. The emperor has not suppressed them before, and they are naturally dissatisfied.

These dissatisfaction accumulates less and more, presumably they already have resentment against the emperor in their hearts, and hate it instead.

Therefore, as long as they are convinced that the emperor will soon act on them, they will naturally rebel.

You also said that they are well-thought-out, so even if they are rebellious, they will not rush into it.

But once we do, they have a reasonable excuse to take advantage of their hands.

As long as they are willing to join the battle, Neptune and Lan Yuanhan will undoubtedly lose! "Yun Chuyi said.

Under the enthusiasm of Babao, all eight hands were transfigured. Some held the chin, some scratched their hair, some scratched the ground, and even one hand was used to ... grab.

After a while, Babao said: "What you said is feasible, but I am worried about a problem, a very serious problem."

Yun Chu had a happy moment: "Are you worried that once the Emperor and Lan Yuanhan are defeated, the Sha family and the Jing family will come out on top, let alone eat meat, you can't even drink the broth?"

Paopao looked at Yun Chuyu in horror, blurted out: "How do you know what I think?"

Yun Chuxuan rolled his eyes: "If I can't even guess what you think, I won't go to the idea of ​​Neptune and Lan Yuanhan, and get out early."

Ba Kuo laughed twice: "Youyou sister, now that you guessed my idea, what are you going to do? We are so busy working together that we can't give up the fat from our mouths to Shajia and Jingjia?"

Yun Chuxi laughed softly: "What's so difficult ?! It's just that the clams are competing for the fisherman's profit!"

At that time, we will find a way to get the two of them to fight, and when they are defeated, we will come out and clean up the mess. "

When she was the Empress Fenghua before, this routine was used countless times, and she tried it a lot.

Ba Ba raised eight thumbs up to Yun Chuyu, but warned himself that offending no one should offend your sister, or you would not know how to die!

(End of this chapter)

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