
Yun Chuyu looked at the dark clouds in the sky and felt extra gracious.

She feels no wonder that her surname is Yun. She and these dark clouds are really in a state of love and hatred.

Although she was almost hacked a few times, she has to admit that if there were no dark clouds, she would not have reached the height of today.

With such thoughts in her heart, her eyes looking at Wuyun became friendly and affectionate.

This time can scare those dark clouds!

Because judging by their experience, as long as this female demon head shows a friendly expression to them, it must be taking bad water!

The degree of badness is directly proportional to the friendliness of the expression, that is, the friendlier, the worse the bad water comes from her.

So, can they not be afraid? !!

Seeing that his morale was sluggish, the leading Wu Yun started to beat them with blood: "What are you afraid of ?! We are so cloudy, and we are still afraid of her being a weak chicken ?!"

Although she can catch the cloud wing, as long as we are careful, she cannot succeed.

Give me the spirit point, if anyone dares to escape, punished severely! "

It was so snoring, not to mention, the black clouds really had some confidence, at least not so much.

Yun Chuyu naturally did not know these, and thought they were moved by the kindness she released, so the expression on her face was more sincere and more enthusiastic!

The leading black cloud saw her smiling so ... insidiously, for fear of night long dreams, after all, every time the female devil stunned, they would be unlucky.

So, the dark clouds were ordered to split against Yunchu.

It thought it was pretty good, all the dark clouds chopped together, even if he couldn't smash the cloud at first, he could give her the power to avoid her being so arrogant.

As a result, although all the dark clouds were obediently hacking down into the thunder, none fell on Yun Chuyu.

It was still Yun Chuyu who felt the need to feed the dog's tail grass, and took the initiative to pick up a few mines.

Leading dark clouds: "..."

Can't move! Can't move! Even if it has the ability, it can't help this group of stupid people.

Yun Chuzheng was very satisfied, and gave a thumbs up to the dark clouds in the sky: "Enough! Really interesting! You can rest assured that I will never hit your Yunyi idea today."

She didn't say it was okay, but said that it made those dark clouds tremble, and felt that Yun Chuxiong was definitely hitting their Yunyi's idea again.

The black clouds hurriedly raised their heights, for fear of being calculated by Yun Chu.

If it weren't for the leading dark clouds to drink, it would be expected that these dark clouds would run away.

The leading Wu Yunqi said badly: "Think about the order we got, and then think about the consequences of the mission failure. Are you willing to withdraw?

Besides, we have been played with her so many times, so you just recognize it?

Even if the demon is finally hacked, uh, smelly girl, anyway, she has to make her suffer, at least we can export the bad gas and go back home.

So give me a fierce hack. If anyone doesn't work hard, blame me for turning ruthless. "

The dark clouds think it makes sense, although this stinky girl is evil, but as long as she is not splashed on Yunyi by her blood.

Otherwise, look at it?

As a result, the black clouds held the idea of ​​not splitting white and not splitting. Hundreds of sky mines simultaneously split into the cloud at the same time, and they were filled with a lot of thunder and lightning. One lightning was full of buckets.

Yun Chu was startled. So many days of Thunder had to be split on her, and even if she died, she would be seriously injured.

Did these dark clouds just intentionally split, just to confuse her? But learn fine!

(End of this chapter)

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