Chapter 8616: Not Interested

Yun Chuyu saw the words written in the shell by covering his body:

"I can understand Wu Yun's words and I can paraphrase it to you, but you have to tell me, where did you merge those cloud wings? Why can you merge cloud wings?"

Xiaobaiyun was waiting for Yun Chuzhen's reply with confidence, he felt that Yun Chuzhen would definitely agree.

After all, being able to hear what the black clouds said was very helpful to her future plans.

However, Yun Chuyu pouted his lips: "Not interested."

Xiao Baiyun thought he heard it wrong, not interested? She said she wasn't interested? Is your brain sick? !!

Yun Chu was too lazy to explain it, because if he talked too much, the dark clouds in the sky might doubt Xiao Baiyun's identity and find that it was not a small dark cloud.

What she said about Xiao Baiyun was not without interest at all, but the recounting was too troublesome and might reveal Xiao Baiyun's identity.

In the second place, Xiao Baiyun is an inch-size cargo. If she opens up, maybe she will talk to her about the conditions in the future.

Finally, even if she couldn't hear what the black clouds said, it didn't prevent her from flickering, so she wasn't very interested.

Yun Chuyu looked at the dark cloud leader in the sky:

"How's it going? What do you think about? If you agree, then drop some height, and disagree, it will rise. I don't force it."

In fact, the leader of the black cloud was already persuading the other black clouds when Yun Chuyu ate the roasted sweet potato.

Although the other Wuyun was happy to read its joke and wished that its Yunyi would not come back, they were very interested in Yun Chu's blood and wondered why her blood could turn away from Yunyi.

Of course, they also know that Yun Chuyu may be flickering them, but it doesn't matter!

It didn't make much sense to go back, maybe he would be punished. Why not stay here for a few more days?

In fact, they still have a worry in their minds, what if the female devil hates them if they leave like this? !!

They didn't forget the horrible look of the devil's head just now, it was so scary!

Therefore, the dark cloud leader persuaded the other dark clouds with little effort.

When Yun Chu saw the leader of Wu Yun promised, his mind was alive, and he smiled and said, "Otherwise, you can help me to chop a person? It's really impossible, you can help me to split the palace!

Dark clouds: "..."

Can you still order your face? !!

We are dark clouds, not your thugs!

Therefore, neither the leader of the black cloud nor the other black clouds did not hear anything.

Yun Chu slaps her lips, she had no hope at all, after all, Wu Yun generally does not hack people outside the task.

She thought for a moment and said to the black clouds, "You can do it without hacking. You squeeze together, and then stay above the palace.

After ten days, I will naturally fulfill my promise. "

The dark clouds didn't agree, but they saw the brutal look of Yun Chuyu stuffing the small white clouds into the shell, and he counseled.

When Yun Chuyu saw the clouds drift away, he took Xiao Baiyun to the director's study.

Before returning to the dean, he wanted to approach the square to see the situation, but the coercion of Wu Yun was too strong. Before he approached, he felt breathless and had to return to the study room to wait for the news.

Seeing Yun Chuzhen return safely, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But when she saw her shiny little bald scoop, she couldn't help it.

Yun Chuyi didn't take it for granted, and it wasn't the first time he was split like this anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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