Chapter 8618: Planning

Yun Chuyi naturally didn't know the unicorn sword spirit's plan, she never dreamed that her personality charm was so strong, she would even come to the blue spirit dust sword spirit.

She is now staring at the eyes of the returning dean, unable to do anything.

The director Gui had just failed to contact someone outside the imperial city.

Apparently, the emperor and the emperor opened the formation, and the imperial city was isolated from the outside.

The head of the hospital said with a sad look: "People outside must not be able to refer to them. The invitations that Shi Dali sent out before are useless, and those people cannot come in even if they want to come.

Nowadays, we can only find a way to organize manpower from inside the imperial city, but the guards in the imperial city are all the lineage of the emperor. What we can fight for is the mentors and students of the Royal Martial Academy, but it is not enough to fight against it.

Moreover, since they are suspicious of you, they will be prepared for me, maybe they will be called into the palace soon.

If I do n’t go, it ’s resistance, and they will have excuses to arrest people.

If you go, it will be a sheep. "

Yun Chuxiong waved his hand: "I don't need to worry about this point. Anyway, we have already reached this field. You can just resist it.

What is urgent now is how to find ways to let the emperor's father and son betray each other, and only in this way can we win.

I feel that it is possible to make use of small vines and dark clouds to make articles. As long as we create public opinion to convince them that the emperor and son of the sea have done something harmful and offended heaven, maybe we can break into the palace without having to kill a soldier.

And maybe they can also be used by us to help us deal with the emperor and son of the emperor. "

The head of the head of the hospital shook his head like a rattle: "What you think is too simple! The source branch is now greatly diminished. I am afraid no one will believe it is the source branch.

Although the dark clouds shrouded above the imperial palace, they did not hack the emperor and son after all, and they had every reason to excuse them. "

Yun Chu stunned Xiaobaiya: "If I say this, naturally not many people will believe it, but if you say it from your mouth, the credibility will be greatly improved.

You have high prestige. It is no more appropriate to stand up and expose the conspiracy of the emperor and son for the honor and disgrace of the Hai people.

As for the dark clouds, you can rest assured that I will let the small vines communicate with them, and when appropriate, I will chop down a few thunderstorms to meet the scene.

Taking a step back, even if we can't convince others to help us, at least we can keep them neutral, so we have hope of winning.

At that time, the emperor's son and his son jumped off the wall in an anxious manner, and maybe they would show themselves, and our odds would be even greater. "

Dean Gui still felt that he wasn't quite sure: "This, can this work? How can I feel unsure?"

Yun Chuyi's face was dignified: "You can do it! The emperor and son of the sea may soon besiege the royal martial arts court to fabricate charges for you and our father and son. We must rush in front of them.

Binggui is fast, it depends on who started early! "

Gui Dean gritted his teeth: "Okay, then do what you say! What should I say?"

Yun Chuxuan rolled his eyes; "Wait a while, I will let Xiaovine help me get back to my original look, and we will just say so ..."

The head of the hospital nodded frequently, and at the end, suddenly remembered one thing: "When you change back to Shan Youyou's appearance, what will Shi Dali do?"

Yun Chuyi's face was stiff, but he forgot this cheap dad!

(End of this chapter)

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