
The head dean was shocked and happy, and sighed in his heart. Although he had rich experience, he was still inferior to the little girl in the mind of the planner.

He had already guessed the thoughts of You Wangye and Zhen Wangye, both of whom went to the throne.

However, it does not matter, as long as it can stop the catastrophe of the Hai people.

As for who was emperor, he didn't have much interest.

So he said busyly: "The two princes Gao Yi, please worship old!"

At this point, Ye Youye and Zhen Wangye have jumped to the high stage and reached out to meet each other.

Lord You was ashamed: "Don't be afraid to be, if you don't dare to dean, you raise your arms and shout, the king is still in chaos, and you should be thanked."

The town's grandfather also said busyly: "Yeah, the dean is indeed the most respected person of the Hai tribe, which makes him very much admired."

Both men have their own small abacus. The prestige of the old man who belongs to the dean is not trivial. To win his support will be crucial to the throne in the future.

Yun Chuyi looked aside, pouting in his heart, and even dared to scorn the throne, wanting to be beautiful!

She worked hard and tossed back once and naturally wanted to take the throne into her pocket. How could it be cheaper for others? !!

Here is the fake greeting, Lord Ming also rushed to the place.

After seeing it, I saw Lan Yuanxue beside Lord Ming, and his eyes were straight!

Get thinner!

Did you miss him?

Lan Yuanxue also saw Ba Ku, but soon she turned her attention to Yun Chuyu.

She hurried to the Lord Ming and nodded on the high platform.

Lord Ming struggled incomparably. To be honest, he didn't quite believe that the emperor and son of the emperor really did what was angry.

Moreover, the breaking news of the little vine has no effect on him. Although the picking of the feet is not very elegant, but he has not broken the law? !!

Unlike the two ambitious old guys, they had to rebel.

However, he couldn't hold his daughter to brainwash him!

"Father, don't you understand the character of the dean? He won't scorn the emperor and his son for no reason, it must be true.

If they succeed, we all have to die! "

"Shan Youyou, the little vine I have seen, is really evil, it should really be the root branch.

Even the original branches are standing on their side, it must be true. "

"Finally, don't say anything else, Wuyun won't go anywhere else, but it is shrouded above the palace. Isn't it clear that he is heading for the emperor and son ?!"


Lord Ming has always petted his daughter, and his mind is a bit active, but he is still vacillating and decides to go to the scene to see the situation.

When he was hesitant, someone on the stage said clearly:

"Master Ming! You are also here! I know that you have always been good and evil, and will definitely support us!

Besides, we are not outsiders. Yuan Xuejun and Ba Ku are happy together, and sooner or later will be a family. "

Lord Ming almost spit out old blood!

He has seen Yun Chuyu several times before, so the person who recognizes that he speaks is Shan Youyou, whose daughter has been chanting.

This little girl is too bad!

This is forcing him to fight against it!

Babao had already jumped off the stage at this time and greeted him diligently.

One hundred Lord Ming looked down on him, so he didn't even look at him, snorted coldly, and walked towards the high platform by himself.

Babao didn't go to his heart, snorted in his heart, if it wasn't for the sake of being round, I wouldn't bother to ignore you!

What a bad old man who loves picking his feet? !!

(End of this chapter)

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