
The director Gui apparently did not expect that Lan Luochen would say so, and he couldn't help it.

However, he calmed down quickly and said:

"Even if this matter can be set aside, what does the matter of Yuanzhiman say?

The source branch is in the source holy land. How could Shan Youyou enter the source source holy land and steal the source branch?

Take a step back, even if she stole the source branch, why would the source branch be willing to be driven by her and say that you were persecuted?

As a sea god, he never lied, right? !! "

Lan Luochen smiled bitterly: "Return to the dean, you only know one or the other. There are too many unknown means in this world!

The root branch is the sea gods, but you don't forget that all things are born in harmony with each other, the most scary thing is the Honghuang sword.

You should remember that the origin of the branch vine is dormant because it was injured by the Honghuang Sword. If the person holding the Honghuang Sword deliberately steals, how can it be avoided? !!

As for what you said, why is it driven by people? It's simple, but life is at stake, and it can only surrender temporarily. "

Shi Dali couldn't help but said, "At first, it was a stinking girl who hurt the roots, and Hong Huangjian was naturally in her hands.

Even if she dare not dare to enter the imperial city, let alone enter the source holy land!

So you are untenable. "

Lan Luochen couldn't help but laugh upside-down: "Don't dare? She not only entered the Imperial City, but also studied at the Royal Martial Academy for half a year, and became the best student.

It is regrettable that she had abducted the roots before she left, but we knew nothing.

Not only that, she was so brave that she changed her identity and entered the imperial city again, reversed the black and white, and confused and waited for a rebellion.

I have to say that I am afraid that no one can be more courageous than her!

Shan Youyou, I don't know if I should call you Emperor Chengxi or Yun Qianyi? "

Yun Chuyi knew that things were going to be bad when Lan Luochen said Hong Huang Jian.

She forgot to forget that she was a little spy. If there was no blue drop in the mix, the emperor and the returning dean could not guess her true identity anyway.

The bad thing is that she neglected Lan Luochen, and it happened suddenly. She thought about how to return to the dean and they rebelled, but she neglected the stubble.

Really lost all the mistakes!

If she is Shan Youyou's identity, the credibility of the words is ten, if it is Emperor Chengxi or Yun Qianyi, then it is a negative number!

People on both sides of the sea and Qiankun are intolerable, how could they believe what she said? !! Even if what she said is true.

Don't acknowledge it?

Now that Lan Luochen has spoken out, I'm afraid I already have the evidence, but now I'm really finished!

Before Yun Chuyu talked, Shi Dali shook his lips and said, "His Royal Highness, are you talking about dreams? You say my girlfriend, Shan Youyou is the little girl who cut off the root branch?

how can that be? !!

If nothing else, if she is a person from both sides of the globe, how can she pass through the screening mirror? How did she get confused? People on both sides of the continent do not have this ability.

In addition, Emperor Chengxi and Yun Qianyi are clearly two people, one is from the sacred mountain Yun family, and the other is from the Longling emperor's family. How do you listen to them?

Don't make fun of it! "

(End of this chapter)

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