Chapter 8640: Ecstatic Flower

Dahua thought he had an illusion, and stared at the small eyes to take a closer look. The angle on the head of the unicorn sword really became a lot smaller.

It suddenly thought of one thing, that is, unicorn is a collective name, in fact, male is unicorn, Lin is female, the difference between the two is the size of the head.

Could this Kirin Sword Spirit in front of him be actually a ... little girl?

Although this character may look like a male, it must be because it is pretending to be a strong camouflage, which is so distressing!

Da Hua suddenly felt that her eyes were gone, her head was not dizzy, and hunger was swept away.

Is this the fateful marriage in the legend?

Is this the fate of a thousand miles to meet?

Is this what it's meant to be?

No wonder it has been single for 10,000 years, it turned out to be waiting for this wild adventure!

No wonder its little spirit will change its owner. It turned out to be for him!

There is no better pair in this world!

Now they are all stinky girl sword spirits, one with spiritual power and one with deceptive power, and they can solidify the body as their cultivation grows. Isn't this a perfect match? !!

Dahua thought of the rudeness to the unicorn sword spirit before, but he couldn't draw himself a slap, but now he only has a pig, and he can't do it if he wants to draw himself.

It felt it had to make up for it, otherwise the duck that got to the mouth, um, the daughter-in-law who got it would run away!

So Dahua showed a very kind smile: "Meet me, my name is Dahua, what's your name?"

Kirin Sword Spirit was startled when he saw Dahua's "sinister" smile, and stuttered, "Don't come over! Otherwise, I'll sue the owner."

Dahua busy said: "It was all a misunderstanding just now. I didn't react for a while. I thought you were the sword spirit of the blue dregs, so I was kind of rude to you.

Rest assured, since we are now friends, I will definitely take good care of you and not let you suffer a little bit of grievance.

Did you just get bullied by the three idiots in Dantian? Don't worry, I'll help you find it later. "

Where does Kirin Sword Spirit know Dahua's flowery intestines, and thought it was really good ... pig, thankfully said:

"Really? That's great! I'm glad to meet you, and I know that I chose the right owner!"

The big flowers are so beautiful that my snot bubble comes out, I feel that I have taken the first step to success!

Where does it know that Kirin Sword Spirit is thinking at this time that this pig head is too hygienic! Runny nose! It's better to stay away from it in the future!

Dahua naturally didn't know this. She asked charmingly, "You haven't told me what your name is? How do I call you in the future?"

"Name? They all call me Kirin Sword Spirit, just call me like that!" Kirin Sword took a few steps back, not wanting to get too close to the big flower that didn't talk about hygiene.

"Kirin sword spirit is too featureless. I think you should be a representative name since you are a sword spirit, otherwise you will be called Linger in the future!"

Kirin Sword Spirit said indifferently: "It's OK to call anything, but I have to ask Master Yoyo, whatever she says is her name."

Dahua pouted and asked what the stinky girl did? !!

In the future, you will not only be called Linger, but you will also have to bear my last name, which means that you are my daughter-in-law.

Then, this product thought of a key question, what is its surname?

Last name or flower?

Continue tomorrow night. Remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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