
The yarn ball admired admirably: "Honor is worthy of respect. I didn't see what he did, and suddenly a golden light appeared to teleport him out.

Master, you must have saved me in your last life, so you will encounter Supreme Master. "

If it wasn't for the wrong time, Yun Chuzhen really wanted to kick the ball of yarn out for a meal.

What a big face!

However, when she heard the ball of yarn, she became more and more certain that Emperor Beibei had used some secret technique to raise her strength to such a terrible level.

The too-virtual realm was blocked by the power of space, and he was able to come out, indicating that his cultivation at this time had reached the point where the void could be torn, and he must pay a heavy price.

However, since this is already the case, it would be useless to say more. I can only hope that he can get rid of Lan Luochen as soon as possible.

When Lan Luochen saw that Emperor Beibei underplayed, he resolved his attack, first showing shock and panic, and then sneering:

"Di Beibei, this is not your true practice!

Don't you think it can scare me? It won't take long for you to be in shape, and I will take your life today! "

Emperor Beibei still ignored him, but just said to Yun Chuyu: "You should stay away so as not to hurt you."

Although Yun Chuyu was very worried, he also knew that it was not the time for Emperor Beibei to be distracted, and he took Xiaobaiyun back.

When Lan Luochen saw that Emperor Beibei ignored him deliberately, his face became more gloomy, only to feel greatly despised and insulted.

He made a series of moves in succession, and a few black charms flew to Emperor Beibei like countless poisonous snakes.

Emperor Beibei still did not dodge. When those black charms were less than three feet away from him, his body was radiant with gold, and those black charms disappeared instantly.

Lan Luochen did not give up, and continued his crazy attack.

However, in vain.

Emperor Beibei finally said to him the first sentence: "It's my turn!"

He raised his hand, and a golden light hit the blue dust.

Lan Luochen wanted to hide, but his body suddenly became extremely stiff, and he couldn't move.

The golden light really hit him, and he flew out like a kite with a broken line, and a blood spurted out.

Emperor Beibei will naturally not give him a chance to breathe, and the second golden light has already struck him.

Lan Luochen's heart was full of unwillingness, but he also knew that he was defeated after all.

However, at this moment, a giant hand appeared out of thin air, holding Lan Luochen in his hand.

Emperor Bei Bei looked for a moment, striking a golden light at the giant hand.

The giant hand was too late to escape, was hit by the golden light, and a wound a foot long appeared, and immediately a golden liquid flowed down.

The giant hand did not stay, and disappeared in front of everyone.

But there was an empty frivolity in the void: "Stupid! Take your own destruction!"

Emperor Beibei was amazed for a moment, but he quickly looked at the emperor.

The emperor was pale at this time, and his legs softly knelt on the ground: "Rao life, Rao ..."

His words came to an abrupt halt, blood from the Qiqiao leaked out, and he died dead.

It's no surprise that Yun Chuxiong has never left the giant hand alive. How could it leave the life of the emperor? !!

However, she is more concerned about the situation of Emperor Beibei.

She found that Emperor Beibei did not move from beginning to end. It must not be that he was forced to do so in order to entrust him.

She hurriedly approached the Emperor Beibei and asked anxiously, "How are you? Does it matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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