Chapter 8667: I'm Crazy For You

Yun Chu did not think of any countermeasures for a while. He heard some inspiration from Kirin Sword Spirit.

Perhaps, she could find another way to subdue the Sha family and the Jing family without having to do anything.

Therefore, she praised Qilin Sword Spirit for a few words.

The Kirin Sword Ling immediately smiled, even with the pig head looking at Dahua felt more pleasing than before, and even claimed to thank him.

Dahua felt that this was a good opportunity to express his heart, so he said flatteringly:

"Sister Linger, you're out!

Based on the relationship between the two of us, Mo said to help you come up with an idea, I am willing to die for you.

There is a word that can express my heartfelt, that is, I am crazy for you and mad for you! "

The unicorn sword spirit first looked wrong, and then rebuked:

"You rarely talk nonsense there, who has anything to do with you ?!

If you talk nonsense again, I'm welcome! "

The big flower's heart suddenly pulled out, and sure enough, the woman's heart was under the sea. She just smiled at it just now.

However, it quickly comforted herself that Linger's sister was probably shy, so she said so.

Besides, as time goes on, it doesn't believe it can't marry his daughter-in-law home.

On the other side, Yun Chuxiong began to plan for the next plan.

As soon as I got busy, I didn't have time to think about Emperor Beibei.

A few hours later, the dean, Jiao Chi, and Ba Kuo all came to pay.

It was already midnight, but the situation was urgent and everyone had no time to rest.

The three reported in turn on the things they handled, and there was nothing to say about the dean and Jiao Chi. Both of them completed very smoothly.

When it was his turn, he said sadly:

"Your Majesty, there are very few people in the Imperial City who can check and balance other Hai people.

A few days in the evening, maybe a lot of people will come back to Shi Dali's wedding.

But now the guests are not there, and the emperor and son have closed the imperial city again, so my progress is not smooth. "

Ba Ba was very embarrassed in his heart. He wanted to perform well, and then he became an official. The result was very unsatisfactory.

Yun Chuyi waved his hand: "Anyway, the previous plan was abolished, and I thought of a new plan ..."

After hearing the new plan that Yun Chuyi said, the three dean directors felt a little bit risky in addition to being shocked.

"Your Majesty, if this plan is successful, it will save time and effort, but if it fails, the consequences will be unthinkable. You still have to consider it again," Gui Dean advised.

Yun Chuyi nodded and said, "Then seeing the speed of Sha and Jing's coming. If they come fast, then we can only use this method. If time is free, we should take other safer measures. "

Yun Chuyu arranged some tasks again, and the dean and Jiao Chi retreated and Bazhu stayed.

Yun Chuyu pressed his temples and asked, "What happened to my father and my brother?"

She gave a brief reply, and then came back and said that she was talking about Shan patriarch and Shan Huang.

He couldn't help feeling that it seemed that even if Yoyo's sister became a sea emperor, it would still be the same as before, otherwise they would still not be called like that.

He said busyly: "Neither of them has any worries about their lives, but the single family is older and they will need to be raised for several months before they can fully recover.

Shan Huang is a good young man. It is estimated that he can move freely in ten days and a half months. "

(End of this chapter)

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