
"Somebody hit you with a hammer? What do you mean? The water coming from this vortex is poisonous?" Yun Chu asked puzzledly.

It stands to reason that if the water is poisonous, follow the virtues of the dog's tail grass and let her feed it long ago.

"It's not poisonous. How to say it, yes, it's like the feeling that I kept dropping scum before, making me feel like I'm going to fart soon."

When Yun Chuyu heard the words of the cave spirit, something suddenly flashed in his mind, but when he tried to catch it, he didn't catch it.

Just then, the vortex disappeared completely.

Yun Chuyu tried to dig a few feet down and found nothing.

She took a deep breath to make her thoughts clearer.

It is very likely that this thing was done by Lan Luochen. Let's put aside how he silently killed so many people. Why did he do it?

These people have been kept in captivity by the sea tribe, and their cultivation is limited. Even if they can't make any waves, why should he kill them?

Could it be that his main purpose is not to kill them, but to have another plan?

What is he plotting?

Yun Chuyi was baffled, and at this moment, the two dogs in the spirit beast bag said, "Little fairy, you find that there is no living thing here."

Yun Chuxi could not help but coldly: "I still use this to say ?! I just looked around a moment ago, all of them are dead."

"I don't mean that, I mean, not only people, but even the chickens, ducks, geese and so on, as well as those flowers and trees are dead!

Aside from anything else, the duck is watery. How could it be drowned? !!

And those trees, even if they are foamed, have a cycle, how could they die so quickly? !! "Ergod said.

Yun Chu stunned, didn't he? !!

There are indeed no living creatures here, including those of poultry, livestock, flowers and trees, all dead, without exception.

"Ah, little fairy, I remember! Wasn't you teleported to a place on the top of the holy mountain before?

The sea water there can cut off the vitality of life. Is that kind of sea water coming out of that whirlpool? !!

It must be!

When the water first started to flow, it was estimated that it was only the water of the underground river. The wind did not worry them too much, but they unknowingly mixed the seawater that cut off vitality, so they unknowingly recruited. "

Two dogs think they are too smart!

How could it be so smart? !! It is simply the smartest dog in the world!

This is not surprising. The most intelligent people are so smart, not to mention that they are all dogs with a bald body!

When Yun Chuyu heard what Ergouzi said, he finally remembered what the aura was.

That's right, the situation in front of you is really like the kind of seawater that cuts off vitality.

Yun Chuyu's heart suddenly sank. If this is the case, does it not mean that the master of Lan Luochen or the giant hand knows or can even control the seawater that cuts off vitality?

If he was asked to throw that kind of seawater into the seas of both heaven and earth and the sea of ​​passiveness, wouldn't it mean that the corpse would run wild? !!

However, she calmed down quickly.

She may think that the problem is too serious. Although they have such a means, they should have any restrictions.

Not to mention anything else, the formation that the boots fine guarded can restrain the spread of that kind of seawater.

Yun Chuzhen suddenly shrinks his pupils, matrix formation?

(End of this chapter)

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