
Dog Tail Grass wants to die!

It has been blood mold for eight lives, and its success has not been achieved. Instead, it has to be eaten and hung up!

It whispered and asked for a ball of yarn to help him pass the word. The ball of yarn took advantage of some of its advantages to help him pass the word.

"Master, the dog's tail said that it was ordered to guard here, it can be said that it did its best and was not lazy at all.

Just after a few inspectors came over, it thought it was a normal inspector and didn't care too much. Who knew that the guards suddenly blew up Dantian, and it was too late to stop it. "

In fact, the words of dogtail grass are somewhat watery.

It is right to squat here and guard, but always wondering about the little vine.

It felt that its performance today was a bit abnormal, as if it had regained its dead heart, could its spring come?

Shouldn't be!

Shouldn't it like the soft and sticky little girl like Little Mushroom Sister? How would you like the little vine that has been arguing with it?

Is this the legendary joyful enemy?

No, it should not have any other thoughts about it, it is just a simple injustice, after all, it is a righteous grass-roots hero.

His mind was swaying, and he began to count the leaves of the shrubs next to him. The odd number was like, and the even number was dislike.

Its absent-minded state, naturally did not find the abnormalities of the guards, which led to a big mistake.

Otherwise, even if its strength is not good, anyway, it can give Yun Chuyu some time, maybe it can stop it.

Yun Chuyu now has no time to find a dog's tail to settle the account. Now, when he is delayed, he will find a way to return the main body of the little vine to the original holy land.

The director Gui is already at the scene of the investigation, and he can't help shaking his head again and again:

"It was so badly damaged! And I'm not familiar with the formation here, and it takes three years and five years to fix it."

Yun Chu frowned, not to say three years and five years, even if it was too late for three or five days!

How to do?

She pinned her hopes on the spirits and small vines, after all, they were free to enter and leave the holy place of origin.

Cave spirit said weakly: "It's not that I don't help, mainly because I told you, I'm just a little waste now, so helpless!"

The little vine said frustratedly:

"I don't know if it has inspired any hidden formations, even my divine body cannot get in."

When Yun Chuyu was at a loss, when she saw the little white cloud jumping around, she could not help but brighten her eyes:

"I remember that you entered the Source Holy Land alone before, can you still enter now?"

Xiao Baiyun shook the transformed beard and denied it.

Yun Chu's immortality was both a promise and a threat to let it bring the small vine onto the source holy land.

Xiaobaiyun had no choice but to use a whisker to write a line on the ground.

Although it is now midnight, the palace is illuminated by the pearl, and the light is OK.

I saw Xiao Baiyun write on the ground:

"I went in the ride with that silly cloud last time, and I couldn't get in at all."

This time, Yun Chuzhen is completely ruthless!

If you want to go in, unless you get a dark cloud and have to be willing to be a rider again.

It's too difficult!

Even if she scolds Tiandao vigorously now, it may not be able to attract dark clouds. Even if it does, it will take time, and they may not really fool them to take her in.

Is there no other way?

(End of this chapter)

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