
Yun Chuyu tossed for a long time, but unfortunately found nothing.

Neither magical power nor other powers can supplement the power of the seal on the totem pole.

Ergouzi said suddenly, "Little fairy, since Xiao Baiyun is the spirit of the totem, then he might know how to supplement the power of the seal.

Unfortunately, it has become a fool, otherwise you can ask. "

The little white cloud inside Yunhe yelled, "You're a fool! Your whole family is a fool!"

Unfortunately, he scolded so hard that the two dogs couldn't hear it.

Xiaobai Yunxin said that even if it was not trapped in the cloud core, it would not be able to remember much of the past, and naturally did not know how this so-called seal power could be supplemented.

Yun Chu sighed: "You said this as well as not said, it's all like this, you can't count on it."

Two dogs blinked and said, "Little fairy, I think that since Xiao Baiyun is a totem, the power of this totem is probably related to Wuyun."

"I think so too, but you saw it just now, the power of thunder and lightning is useless at all." Yun Chuyu said.

Ergouzi shook his head and said, "Xiaoxian, I think your thinking is biased. The power of dark clouds may not be the power of thunder and lightning, but may have something to do with Yunyi Cloud Core.

By the way, didn't you absorb ten Cloudwings last time? Otherwise, you can try to see if you can start from this aspect? "

After listening to Ergouzi's words, Yun Chuxiong suddenly remembered that when he entered the flat ground Xu Mi, the small wings composed by Yunyi did move.

Thinking of this, she was busy exploring the pair of small wings above Dan Tian with the knowledge of God.

It didn't look any different than before, and even if she touched it with her consciousness, she didn't react.

She had to withdraw her knowledge and tell the situation to Ergouzi.

The two dogs pondered for a while, and said, "Little fairy, since you have small wings in Dantian, you haven't used the flashing skill, otherwise, try?"

Before Yun Chuyu talked, Yarn Ball despised:

"Are you lacking in mind ?! Use the flashing technique? The master doesn't necessarily flash to where it is, it's even harder to get in after you go out!

By then, the water of extinction would have been released!

I think your hair is white and has not grown at all. "

The second dog said angrily, "Isn't this kind of kindness ?! If you can't do it, you can't do it. As for a dog attack?"

"Good intentions? Good intentions can make such suggestions ?! Of course, IQ estimates can only make such mentally retarded suggestions."

"You're a fool with long hair and short sight. Are you trying to die ?!"


Yun Chuyu got a headache from them and yelled, "Shut up for me!"

The ball of yarn and the two dogs stared at each other, and did not say a word.

Time passed day by day, the lines on the totem stone pillars became lighter and thinner, and Yun Chuyu still did not think of a way to crack it.

An instant came to the ninth day.

The boots came together listlessly and shook a few times.

Yun Chuyi thought that it had something important to communicate with it.

However, the answer I got from Boot Slim is:

"I don't think I can survive, remember to help me give the strange chess board a sentence, it's not that I'm not honest, but I'm really helpless!

If we have the next life, we will also play hide and seek together. "

Yun Chuxiong is directly angry!

If it weren't for worrying that the boot essence is now weak, I really want to kick it!

Four chapters and six o'clock are updated.

(End of this chapter)

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