Chapter 8730: Confession

After the water of annihilation completely receded, Yun Chuyu did not leave immediately.

It wasn't until three days later that the lines on the totem stone pillars became significantly deeper, and she was completely relieved.

Before leaving, she told the boots and brachiopod monsters to learn lessons and not repeat the same mistakes.

In fact, she did not say that after this incident, they did not dare to carelessly.

In particular, the essence of boots, vowed that before the state of the totem stone pillar was completely stable, it stayed inside the totem stone pillar and did not even play hide and seek.

After Yun Chuyu arranged it properly, he left the top of the sacred mountain.

Out of the area on the top of the holy mountain, the brachiopod monster grew again and sent Yun Chuyu to the forbidden exit.

Yun Yantian and others have been waiting outside, and the water that has spread out before has not spread to the bottom, so they do not know that they have walked from the gate of the ghost gate.

Seeing Yun Chuyu return, an old man took the lead first: "Old ancestor, my old ancestor, you are back! I am all worried about death!"

Yun Chu glanced at it, it was Elder Wind Three.

Previously, she sat with Xiao Baiyun and returned to the sacred mountain Yun's house. The elder Fengsan fell behind.

She spent so many days on the top of the holy mountain, it is not surprising that he rushed here.

Yun Yantian also asked with concern: "Senior Yun, how is it? How many days have I gone?"

Elder Tianxuan glanced behind her, her eyes dimmed a little, and Gaba Gaba mouthed, and swallowed back what she wanted to say.

Yun Chuyi said lightly: "This is not the place to speak, go to the Hall of Argument!"

After everyone arrived at the Hall of Discussion, Yun Yantian gave up the main seat to Yun Chuyu with interest.

Because even if he didn't let him, there was a wind three elder on the side, and he must run on him.

Yun Chuyu was also polite and sat on the main seat.

She took a recording stone from the storage ring, and there came a conversation between Su Yanran and her.

Yun Yantian and others were shocked. They could hear the sound of Yun Qianli. Did she really do such a desolate thing? !!

But, why don't they understand something?

Su Yanran? Yun Chuzhen? Is this their real name?

Yun Qianyi is worth it. After all, they are the ancestors of the Wind clan, so there are more vests. Why does Yun Qianli also have vests?

Besides, they had grievances before. What's going on?

To this day, Yun Chuzhen feels that there is no need to conceal anything, so he briefly talks about the three thousand continents and what happened after she came to the two continents.

"All of you, I have to do this as a last resort. If I had identified myself from the beginning, you would not have accepted me and would not believe what I said.

Now the situation has changed. Obviously, the master of the giant hand has laid out on the two sides of the Qiankun and the sea tribe. The water of death is the means by which he destroys you.

We can only fight against it now, or else there will be no way to live, whether it is the three thousand continents, the two continents, or the sea of ​​passiveness. "

Yun Chuyi's words were too shocking for Yun Yantian and others, so he couldn't digest this matter for a while.

The focus of Elder Fengsan is obviously a bit off. He said excitedly: "Old ancestor, do you mean that you are now a sea emperor?

My old ancestor, you are truly my old ancestor, it's really amazing! "

(End of this chapter)

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