
Xiao Baiyun regretted it, and hoped that time could flow backwards.

It waited tremblingly for a while, but did not see the group of gold shot at it.

When he was suspicious, he heard the golden group say, "Repeat!"

Xiaobaiyun reacted for a while before he realized that he wanted it to repeat what he just said, and Xiaobaiyun immediately counseled:

"Well, I just had a cramp in my head just now, so I'm bullshit. Don't go to my heart ..."


Xiao Baiyun didn't dare to grind any more, because it felt colder and colder, and stuttered to repeat what he just said, without even dare to drop a word.

After it finished speaking, it was about to get rid of it. As for what cloud nuclear bombs will not explode, let's talk about it first.

However, the ball of gold again faintly said: "Repeat!"

Xiao Baiyun: "..."

Xiao Baiyun repeated it 80 times. It suspected that the mass of gold was trying to punish it in this way, it was so shameless!

Fortunately, after saying it eighty times, the mass of gold did not repeat it, but said lightly: "Do not break or stand."

Although Xiao Baiyun wanted to ask what it meant, he didn't dare, because he was afraid that the mass of gold would get sick again, and let it continue to repeat those words.

It rolled dimly into the corner, not to mention bitter!

What a happy dove it used to be when it occupied the nest!

It's okay now, and it's a mess.

Could this be the legend ... the green man is constantly being green?

Pooh! Pooh! This doesn't seem to be a good thing, but it is a cloud that is ready to be a single expensive cloud, and there is no such thing as being green.

But, what does that evil star say that it is not broken?

Could it be that the nuclear cloud exploded?

It's not right. He said it clearly, if the cloud nuclear explodes, the soul will fly away!

Xiao Baiyun couldn't figure out what she thought, thinking in her heart that if she told the stinky girl about it, she might have a way.

But now I dare not probe out of God's knowledge, and I cannot communicate with her!

It set his gaze on Xiaowuyun, annoyed in his heart, if only he hadn't cut off his connection with the consciousness of the smelly girl.

But that is also no way to do it. Without cancelling the contract between Xiao Wuyun and Yun Chuxiong, it will not be able to conscientiously occupy the nest.

Besides, if that's the case, wouldn't it also sign a contract with the stinky girl in disguise?

How can such a noble cloud become the pet of a stinky girl? !!

That was a great humiliation!

It absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

Thinking of this, it suddenly moved in my heart. If the stinky girl signed a contract with her now, wouldn't she be able to communicate with her spiritually?

However, it quickly abandoned the idea.

Let's not talk about its willingness or unwillingness, mainly because it has no way of expressing or implying that Yun Chuyu signed a contract with her.

Furthermore, it felt that Yun Chuzhen would not sign a contract with it.

Because Yun Chuyi is definitely worried that once he signs a contract with it, Xiao Wuyun will have no day to stand up and will be completely replaced by Xiao Baiyun.

Xiao Baiyun was a little bit sour in her heart. In the smelly girl's heart, she was baked with a much higher status than it was, so she didn't know it!

Forget it, it is better to rely on people than themselves, it does not believe that the cleverness cannot be broken without its meaning.

Besides, that evil star doesn't seem to be waiting for death. It must have a bottom in it. It just needs to hold his big legs and legs.

(End of this chapter)

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