
Yun Chuyu thought that Ergou's point made sense, and thought about it.

It must be normal before entering the forbidden area, and it should be normal when entering the forbidden area, because those monsters did not react abnormally.

By the way, after she merged with Yunyi, the tricky chessboard looked abnormal. Was that the time?

After asking the tricky chessboard, she got a positive answer.

If it was that time, could it be related to that cloud wing?

Thinking of this, she hurriedly looked inside.

Except that the small wings on the left side of Dantian have one more "feather" than the right side, there are no other abnormalities.

When Ergouzi heard Yun Chu's words, he touched his chin with his paw and said, "I think the problem lies in this, and it is easy to verify it.

Either you peel off the newly merged cloud wing from Dantian, or you ask Xiao Baiyun to send you another cloud wing. "

The little white cloud inside Yunhe almost died of anger!

Ergou, you are so good!

No wonder you are bald, you must have done too much!

What you said is easy, give her another cloud wing?

Why don't you cut a piece of meat from your body and give it to her? !!

No, its cloud wings are more important than meat!

Yun Chuyi thought about it, and thought that Ergouzi was right, so he tried to strip Yunyi from Dan Tian.

However, she had no idea at all.

She had tried to strip Yunyi from Dantian when the ten Yunyis were fused before, but Yunyi and Dantian had already been merged together. With a little hard work, Dantian would be in pain.

What she didn't expect was that this time it went very smoothly.

She didn't have much effort, and the extra cloud wing was stripped from Dan Tian by her.

However, she couldn't get the cloud wing out of her body.

The cloud wing began to swim inside her body.

So, two dogs, they saw Yun Chuyu lost his arm for a while, lost his leg for a while, and lost his face for a while ...

Yun Chuyi looked at himself in the mirror, and was almost crying.

Ergozi comforted: "Little fairy, don't worry, this thing must have other uses, but we haven't found it yet.

Otherwise, you can let Xiao Baiyun contribute another cloud wing, maybe you will have a surprise after you make a pair! "

Xiao Baiyun was so angry that he even wanted to fight the risk of cloud nuclear explosion, and found out that God and Ergouzi were desperate!

Fortunately, Yun Chuxiong shook his head and said, "This is too risky. In case of integration, my whole body will be invisible. That would be bad.

I'll study it again, maybe there are other findings. "

Yun Chuyu tinkered for a while, and made no progress. He bit his teeth and said, "Forget it, let's do it first. The business matters."

Ergouzi turned his eyes and said, "Little fairy, you can drive it to your left foot first, so you can see nothing abnormal when you put on your boots."

After Yun Chuyi did it, it looked really the same as ordinary people.

Yun Chu had a good time, not to mention that Ergouzi was really smart sometimes.

Yun Chuyu rewarded Ergouzi with a few flesh and bones, and put it into the spirit beast bag.

Two dogs are so beautiful!

The ancients did not deceive me, and surely their smart heads were not hairy!

Yun Chu calmed down and asked the tricky chessboard: "Where is the array of eyes?"

Because the tricky chessboard can't speak, it took Yun Chuyu a lot of work to get an answer that shocked her.

Continue tomorrow and sell your monthly pass for Moe, why not!

(End of this chapter)

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