
Yun Chu narrowed his eyes and almost stared out!

what happened?

How did she feel that her head was not enough?

The two dogs in the spirit beast bag slapped themselves with their paws, and they felt like they were dreaming.

Why else would it see such a thrilling scene?

With the small body of the red-spotted seal, how could a giant beast like a giant be thrown out? How does it work?

Yun Chuyu was also a circle with a look on her face. She even shook her head. For a moment, she felt that Bacheng was stupid by Xiao Baiyun, so she hallucinated.

At this moment, she saw the red-spotted seal that was fat like a ball crawling out of the pit.

The so-called pits were naturally smashed by giants before.

The red-spotted seal tried to stare at a small slit in the seam and looked around. After seeing Yun Chuyu, he rolled over like a ball.

"Woo, master, why didn't you save me just now? Did you see that I would be smashed by that stupid guy?

And this water of death is too annoying, please hurry me into the beast bag, otherwise I must not live long! "

Yun Chuyu stiffly put it into the beast bag, and then glanced at it several times without seeing any tiny wounds on the red spotted seal.

"That, that big red, can you tell me what happened just now?"

The red-spotted seal waved a pair of chubby front fins and said, "That silly big man almost crushed me to death. I can't just sit back and wait, so I threw it out."

"You, how did you do that?"

"I bumped it lightly, and it flew out! It didn't work, Bai Chang was so big!" Said the red-spotted seal with a lip.

Yun Chuxiong knew that the red-spotted seal must have water. If it only hit it slightly, it would not ask her for help before.

However, even so, it shows that the power of the red spotted seal is too amazing!

At least not worse than the monster!

At first, if it had to be followed by her dead face, she would let it go, and she did not expect to surprise her many times.

Sure enough, every fat man is a potential stock, and every two flesh has its existence value.

However, as a precaution, she asked, "Did you just use brute force or confusion when you hit the monster?"

"Of course it was brute force. I was discouraged at that time. Where can I still think of using confusion?" Said the red-seal seal.

Yun Chuyi immediately snapped his fingers and said, "Great! Red, since you are so good, then you can help me transport the pieces!"

When the red-spotted seal heard Yun Chuyu's words, a pair of small eyes suddenly stared, and said dryly:

"Well, in fact, I was bragging! I have already fought for my life just now, so I barely threw the silly big man out, and I used confusion, not brute force at all."

Yun Chuyi snorted at once: "Less to play tricks on me! If you are not obedient, I will cancel the contract with you now, throw you out and let you live on your own!"

The red-spotted seal said wrongedly, "Oh."

Yun Chuyu was angry and rejoiced: "You can rest assured that I won't treat you badly, don't you like to eat? After I go out, I promise you to change your style."

The red-spotted seal seals its lips, don't think it doesn't know, this is the legendary slap for a sweet date, it is not rare!

However, this is also a good opportunity for it to become famous. Since it can't be avoided, it's done!

(End of this chapter)

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