8779-Dragon King

The red-spotted seal regrets that its intestines are green!

In fact, before coming in this time, it noticed something strange, but when Yun Chuyu asked it, it didn't say it, because it was not serious.

it's good now!

Juli disappeared, it was beaten back to its original shape, trapped here.

I guess it can only die here!

It's so miserable!

It also thought that the time for his turn was over, and he did not expect that Kubala was dead.

It feels sorry for its sad fate, its own name, it is so lucky! How come here, it becomes a short-lived ghost? !!

When it was desperate, a giant crashed into it.

Then it heard a roar that almost deafened its ears.

It's stupid!

The red-spotted seal is crying with joy, it must come to save it!

It called a few times because it was dark in the small space, and it couldn't see the beast, so it had to fumble wildly.

Fortunately, the small space is small, and the monster's size is very large. It quickly touches the hair of the monster.

For fear of smashing the monster when it fell, it hid in the hair of the giant hand, so that even if it fell to the ground, it would have some cushion.

It also deliberately tied it to prevent it from falling in the middle.

When I was ready, I yelled.

Although the language was incomprehensible, the giant still heard the pleasing meaning of the red-spotted seal's cry, and it felt extremely comfortable.

A small thing is a small thing, still want to compare it with strength?

Not right now? Do you know to ask for it?

It is a well-deserved Big Mac!

Because the beast is in a good mood, it played super horizontally, and with a few strokes with its claws, it succeeded in getting out of sleep.

The red-spotted seal had good luck and was not crushed underneath.

It cried while cutting the knot that had just hit him with confusion: "Master, I almost can't see you! Oh, oh, I'm going to be scared to death!"

Yun Chuyu was relieved when he saw that the red spotted seal was rescued.

In fact, she was not quite sure, so she had to give the beast a try, but she did not expect to have successfully entered the small space of the red spotted seal and saved it back.

At this point, the red-spotted seal had rolled down from the beast and crawled towards Yun Chuyu.

Its original round shape has shrunk completely, and it has become very slender, with big watery eyes, which looks particularly distressing.

But when it came to Yun Chuyu, he was kicked by Yun Chu.

"When you went in before, I asked if there was anything unusual with you? Didn't you say that everything is as usual? Why were you trapped inside?

Do you think the words I asked you before are nonsense? Ok? "

The red-spotted seal cried and said in tears: "I didn't expect this strength to go away. If I knew it would happen, I wouldn't take anything seriously.

Whoo, I was wrong, I was scared to death, so don't scold me! "

Yun Chuyu was angry and distressed when he saw his uncle's appearance, so he had to put it into the beast bag, and when it was over, it was not too late to pack it.

Ergouzi was very happy, because he didn't laugh at the red-spotted seal. Before seeing it, he had such terrible power. He was so upset that he was afraid that the red-spotted seal would trouble him later.

Well now, this thing has been beaten back to its original shape, except for its flesh, there is no great skill.

No, it doesn't even have a body of meat now, hahaha, how pitiful!

(End of this chapter)

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