
"What are you still doing ?! Hurry up and take out the four pieces!" The tricky chessboard urged.

Yun Chu said dryly: "What, if I tell you, I don't know where the four pieces are, do you believe it?"

The tricky chessboard snorted, "Do you believe it yourself?"

Yun Chuxi smiled bitterly: "I also know that it's ridiculous to say this, but I really don't know where the four chess pieces are.

They disappeared out of thin air after they were stained with my blood. I scanned my body dozens of times with my divine sense, and found no trace of them.

You are their original owner, help me think about where they will hide? "

The tricky chessboard feels offended!

What is the original owner?

Isn't this a sprinkle of salt on its wounds? !!

However, it saw that Yun Chuyu didn't look like a lie, not to mention that this time was not a joke, he doubted:

"It's gone? Are you sure you scanned every corner of your body?"

After getting a positive answer from Yun Chuyu, the tricky chessboard wondered: "No, I can feel that they must be in you.

These prodigal things, but also I kept going in!

Pooh! I am a chess board with a bottom line. How will I be affected by them? !! "

Yun Chuyi Yixi: "Then you feel it carefully, where are they in my body?"

The tricky chessboard scorned: "Don't you have a good brain ?! I just said that I felt them in your body. How can I know where they are?"

I ca n’t get into your body and see! "

After the cunning chessboard said this sentence, he saw Yun Chuxuan's eyes light up.

Don't know why, the tricky chessboard suddenly had an extremely ominous hunch.

The next moment, he heard Yun Chuyu said, "You reminded me!

Those pawns were not sane, so there was no way to establish a spiritual connection with me, so I didn't even know where they were.

But you are different, even if you step back and say that in case you can't establish a spiritual connection with me, it doesn't matter, because you can speak!

After you enter my body, the four chess pieces will definitely come to you, and the problem will be solved!

Come, let's sign the contract now! "

The tricky chessboard stunned out in shock: "No, I don't agree! I won't sign a contract with you, a weak chicken!

Besides, can you be contracted for my existence? !! "

The tricky Chessboard heart said that he would rather die than sign a contract with this stinky girl.

It's shameful to have her chess piece abducted by her. If she signs a contract with her again, let everyone, especially the boots, think of it?

The boots did not sign a contract with this stinky girl at all, so it did not sign.

Yun Chuyu held his shoulders and said, "You can do it without signing. You have to find a way to get those four pieces out.

Otherwise, you have to sign if you don't sign, you can't help it! "

The tricky chessboard would like to ask Yun Chuyu why he said so, but when he saw the giant monster that had always been obedient to it, he glared at it with a sigh of anger.

It now has only one **** left, and its combat effectiveness has diminished sharply.

What's more, the rest of the pawns are still in a small space. Where can it go? !!

It pondered for a while and said, "Okay, then I call for a try! But you have to let the silly big man hold me, lest I get sucked in accidentally.

Also, you can't take advantage of people and contract me when I call them. "

(End of this chapter)

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