Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8818: I can't find it either

Chapter 8818: I Can't Find It

Yun Chuzhen is worried that the six forces are not honest, and these people can serve as her eyeliner after returning.

She had wanted to leave these people with her, but suddenly remembered something and sent them off.

After they had gone, she called the cave spirit and asked:

"Is the source holy place close to here?"

Yun Chuyu also just remembered this thing. If it is really close, it is much faster to pass from here than to enter from the passive sea.

Cave spirits support me: "This, this, how is it possible ?! The source holy land is in the sea of ​​passive sources!"

"Less nonsense! The last time you told me less than half an hour from here to the source holy place, it means that the source holy place is nearby.

Hurry up to tell the truth, otherwise be careful I pack you! "

Cave spirits had no choice but to say: "The source holy land is indeed nearby, but you can't find it!

Not only you can't find it, I can't find it either.

The reason why I use the power of space to get back accurately is that my current body is the Sumeite bred by the Holy Land of Origin.

So, let's get into the sea of ​​God honestly! "

Yun Chuyu ignored it, but asked the small vine in the god's knowledge: "Little vine, can you tell me where the source holy land is?"

The little vine was silent.

Yun Chu sighed: "Xiao Manman, you know, now that the Hai tribe and Qiankun have shake hands and make peace, we should now be unanimous.

If I enter from the Sea of ​​Passive, it will take too long! "

Xiaovine said, "I can tell you, but make sure you don't tell anyone this secret."

After Yun Chuyu agreed, Xiaovine said: "You should know that there is a mysterious place fifty miles away, called a treacherous burrow.

After you enter, count to the eighteenth cave, and when I tell you the tactics, the teleportation enchantment will be opened, and you can enter the source holy land from there. "

Yun Chuyi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Hai clan had been enchanting the mysterious place. The entrance to the original holy place was here.

Of course, they should not know this secret after returning to the dean, the former Neptune and Lan Luochen may know some.

Yun Chuyu immediately went to the treacherous burrow. Although it was dangerous for others, it was a piece of cake for her with hundreds of sea beasts as helpers.

Although the fighting capacity of sea beasts on land will be weakened, the number of these sea beasts cannot be held up!

The monsters in the burrow are considered **** mold!

Those sea beasts had enough grain to eat, and they just took them on top.

Yun Chuyu successfully found the cave that Xiaovine said, and after opening the teleportation enchantment, he was teleported to the source holy land.

She first looked at the body of the small vine, then left the source holy land and appeared in the source temple.

Because when Yun Chuzhen was the emperor before, he didn't show his true features, so the guard of the Yuanyuan Hall was really startled and almost regarded her as a spy.

Fortunately, they saw the little white cloud in Yun Chuyu's hand, and hesitated not to do anything.

Soon, the dean and the others who got the news rushed over.

It is not difficult for Yun Chuyu to prove his identity. Not to mention anything else, the hundreds of sea beasts are enough to explain everything, not to mention that she has the credentials to represent the identity of the emperor.

The single clan chief burst into tears: "Daughter, why are you still disfigured when you go out? How handsome!"

Yun Chuyu: "..."

Continue tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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