
Yun Chu, holding the leg of the red skull, said coldly, "Bone essence, tell everything you know, otherwise, hum!"

The Red Skull said aggrievedly while setting up the dog's legs: "You can't change your temper? I didn't say anything, is it so violent?"

"Little nonsense, what do you mean? What does the clan do not belong here? Someone calls it? Who is calling it?"

"I also guessed, didn't the rabbit say that there would be sporadic sacrifices every July 15th?

That means that the Feng clan's ancient people have not died, and there are ways to connect the clan towers.

That's why I said so. "Explained the red skull.

Yun Chuyi stared at it: "Guess? How do I think you knew it before? And know more than that?"

Hurry up to tell the truth, otherwise I'll cut off your skull! "

"I really guess, believe it or not, pull it down!

Do n’t even try to threaten me with a chopped head. The big deal is a death, anyway, I have enough! "Said the red skull.

When Yun Chu saw his dead pig not afraid of boiling water, there was nothing he could do about it.

Can't you really cut off its skull? !!

She turned her eyes and had an idea: "Bone essence, I am playing with you! I am the softest, how can I bear to cut your head ?!"

Well, I think your wife is very hard. I'll give you a good idea of ​​getting rich. Would you like to listen? "

Although the red skull wanted to have a boneless rejection, the jawbone was a little unwilling to ask: "What a good idea?"

Yun Chu said with a smile: "I ask you a question. You only need to answer yes or no truthfully. Of course, if you don't think you can answer it, you can choose not to answer.

You answer me a question and I will pay you 100,000 spar.

How about this sale? "

What do you think of the red skull? This sale is a good deal. Anyway, if you do n’t want to answer it, you do n’t need to answer it.

So it agreed.

Yun Chuyu made it swear a poison oath, and must answer truthfully, otherwise this life is a single skeleton.

The red skull snarled a poisonous oath and urged: "Hurry up and ask!"

"Before the clan tower is broken, isn't there only one of you?"

The red skull answered immediately: "Yes."

Yun Chuyu was very happy, and he passed 100,000 spar to him without urging.

The red skull danced with joy, is it so easy to make money now? Sure enough, knowledge is money!

Yun Chuyu continued to ask, "Does the clan tower have only four floors in total?"


One hundred thousand spar is in hand again, and the red skull is secretly happy. This stinky girl is an injustice. It took such a spar to ask such a mentally handicapped question.

Regardless of her, money is real anyway.

Yun Chuyu continued to ask a bunch of questions, all of which were very simple questions.

At first, the red skull will think about whether there are any traps in the problem. Later, when it is stimulated by more and more spar, the answer will blur out.

"Is someone calling the clan tower all the time?"


"Is that the person of the Wind clan?"


"Do you know where that person is?"


"Apart from the ancient Feng clan trapped, is there another ancient clan?"


The red skull suddenly covered the jawbone with his bones, it seemed to be a routine!

(End of this chapter)

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