Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8844: Because you are stupid


At this moment, Xin Wu assaulted to Yun Chushen.

"Miss Nine, can I stay next to you for a while? Although there are bonfires elsewhere, it's still too cold and warm by your side."

It's extremely cold here, and even if you're staying by the bonfire, you have to use warmth from time to time to keep warm, or you can't stand it at all.

However, Yun Chuyu had the soul of refining his soul, and he didn't even cover his big sister, and his small face was still flushed, without being affected by the bitter cold.

Not only that, the people around her also benefited more or less, and felt less cold.

Naturally, Yun Chuyu would not refuse, Xin Wu began to meditate beside Yun Chuyu.

At first the two were about three feet away, but Xin Wu was getting closer and closer to Yun Chuyu in order to be warmer.

Xiao Jinyun felt a little cold inside Yunhe, and then heard a cold biting voice: "Drive me that stupid thing!"

Xiao Jinyun didn't respond, what did you mean?

The next moment, he found that he had been "robbed".

It stared at the group of golden attachments on the clouds, and then floated from the left side of Yun Chuyu to the right, crowded between Yun Chuyu and Xin Wu.

Then, Xin Wu flew out like a kite with a broken line, smashing a large number of people.

Xin Wu has fallen into a circle!

He remembered that he was meditating. Why did he suddenly become a trapeze?

Yun Chuzhen was also startled, she looked down at Xiao Jinyun, frowning: "Are you all right to tease Xin Wu what? He offended you?"

Xiao Jinyun, who has been forcibly returned to the cloud body, can only pretend to die, and it feels like he has become a shaman.

However, it was a little surprised. It had been tried before. Although the lightning was very good, its strength was too small.

How did that evil star knock Xin Wu out?

Thinking of it, he asked, "How did you knock him off? How could I not do that?"

"Because you are stupid."

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

It didn't ask any questions, because it found that Dashaxing didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Is it ... jealous?

Oh my god!

Is Dasha still jealous?

I really don't understand. If you are so jealous, why do you still hide yourself and tell the bad girl clearly?

At this time, Xin Wu limped back, this time did not dare to be too close to Yun Chuyu.

Although he didn't know what was happening, he instinctively felt that he should be a little farther away from the owner.

However, Yun Chuxiong was a little unhappy, and rummaged in the storage ring, and found a relatively cold-proof big **** and threw it to Xin Wu.

Xiao Jinyun suddenly felt that the temperature in the cloud core had dropped a bit, so he had to reduce his sense of existence so as not to be angry.

After everyone rested, they set off again.

Yun Chuyu originally wanted to leave some troops and troops here to avoid any changes in the enchantment.

But then she gave up the idea, and if there are variables in the enchantment, it may not be useful even if someone stays.

Furthermore, in the unlikely event that a monster comes over after she leaves, the remaining people may not be able to cope with it, and it is safer to act in unison.

For about an hour, the temperature became higher and higher, making people breathless.

Because of the fluid secreted by the weird grass, Yun Chuxiong had no effect, and others could not.

Yun Chuyu had to ask the dog's tail grass: "How much of this cool liquid can you secrete?"

The dog's tail grass seized control of the body, and said quietly:

"As big as your heart is, as big as your dream is."

Continue tomorrow, why?

(End of this chapter)

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