
Everyone was shocked when they heard the words of the emperor, and they did not expect such a hidden feeling.

What Yun Chuyu thought was, wouldn't she be the child who was sent to the clan tower at first?

If so, it is understandable why there is a portrait of her in the clan tower.

But she was only three years old when she went in. How did she survive? How to make bone essence hate her?

Thinking of this, she asked:

"Emperor Patriarch, I interjected, I found that both you and Elder Tianfeng were a little embarrassed when they saw me. Is it because I look so good, or for some other reason?"

The emperor chief was still immersed in grief and indignation, and could not help but look inexplicable after hearing Yun Chuyu's words.

He groaned for a moment before saying, "Master Yun, since you ask, I can't hide it.

I see that you are a little stunned because of the red cloud mark between your brows.

You may not know very well, according to the classic records in the clan, there are totem marks on the eyebrows of the eight tribes. "

The emperor said with a bitter laughter here: "We people should have this, but it may be because the two patriarchs burned the power of the totem, we lost this power of the totem.

And the cloud mark between your brows is the totem of the cloud tribe, so we are surprised.

Yun Mengzhu, can you tell you whether this red cloud mark on your brows is a birthmark or is it for another reason? "

Yun Chuyu turned a few thoughts in his heart before he said, "It's true, I don't know how this red cloud mark came.

But I was not afraid of thunder and lightning, and I conquered a little dark cloud. "

The emperor raised the volume: "What did you say? You conquered a dark cloud? Are you telling the truth?"

"It's not a dark cloud, it's a small dark cloud, a very small one." Yun Chuyu said.

"No matter how small, it's a dark cloud! I wonder if you can pamper your dark cloud spirit for me to see?" The emperor's face was anxious.

Yun Chuyu had to greet Xiao Jinyun to appear.

Xiao Jinyun squeezed out of the gap in the wooden box, then floated to the palm of Yun Chu's hand.

Patriarch: "..."

Elder Tianfeng: "..."

Are you kidding me? !!

This thing also deserves to be called dark cloud?

What's wrong with this color? How can there be dark clouds? !!

Xiao Jinyun was annoyed when she saw their disdainful eyes. It is not ordinary self-confidence, not ordinary pride. How could it endure such eyes? !!

So it split a lightning bolt at the chair next to it.

Then there is no more.

Only very slight burn marks were left on the chair, which would not be seen without looking closer.

Xiao Jinyun is dumbfounded!

What about its invincible lightning?

Obviously the same as the previous lightning, why is the power so small?

The emperor chief looked at each other, all showing a little disappointment.

After a while, the chief of the emperor said, "Master Yun, I'm not quite sure now, but I have a rough guess.

Although the mark on your eyebrows is the totem of the cloud tribe, you may not know that the color of the totem of the cloud tribe is graded.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, red is the lowest.

So you may have activated the totem power in the bloodline by chance, but because the level is too low, you can only summon such a small, uh, defective product. "

There is one more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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