Chapter 8860-You Are Nothing

Yun Chuyi said to Xiao Jinyun:

"Go, this is your battle for fame. Whether it is Liufangbaishi or stink for thousands of years depends on this!"

Although Xiao Jinyun just regained her self-confidence just now, but seeing the mutated blood beasts outside is still a little underdog. Can it work?

When it was thinking, Yun Chuyu threw it out of the gate like a trash.

Xiao Jinyun is such a ruthless woman!

It's useless to be afraid now, it is better to let those snobs look at it.

As a result, Xiao Jinyun changed the previous sneaky and fluttered towards a mutant blood beast.

At this time, the mutant blood beasts are attacking the city. Their bodies are huge, and a crack will appear when the paw is photographed.

Xiao Jinyun floated behind one of the mutant blood beasts and split a lightning bolt against its back.

The mutant blood beast screamed screaming, but it didn't break into two like the blood beasts before, but there was a burnt wound on his back.

Xiao Jinyun suddenly lost heart!

Oops! Doesn't seem to work!

The mutant blood beast was provoked, and instead of continuing to attack the city, Zhang Yawu claws came to catch Xiao Jinyun.

Fortunately, Xiao Jinyun is small and very flexible, avoiding its attacks.

Xiao Jinyun panicked lightning at the mutant blood beast.

Unexpectedly, although the mutant blood beast was split into blood, but it did not seem fatal.

Xiao Jinyun really has some claws. Although he can split this mutant blood beast to death sooner or later, time is not allowed!

It saw that the city wall had already had many cracks, and it was estimated that it would soon break through.

If that's the case, I am afraid it will really stink for thousands of years!

At that moment, the indifferent voice sounded in the God's consciousness: "The power of thunder and lightning begins in the flood, gathering gas and clouds ..."

Xiao Jinyun was suddenly shocked, yes, it still has this ability!

Although the next few uses will not work, maybe it will work this time!

Xu Xun, it split a lightning again at the mutant blood beast.

The only difference between this lightning and the previous lightning is that it is no longer intermittent, but a complete lightning.

The mutant blood beast did not even make a scream, the huge body was broken into two parts, and then turned into blood.

Xiao Jin Yunxi couldn't help it, it was!

Sure enough, gold will shine sooner or later, and it's time for the best!

He flew to the back of another mutant blood beast and split a bolt of lightning.

Almost the same, the mutant blood beast was broken into two pieces and turned into blood.

Next, Xiao Jinyun was like chopping melon and cutting vegetables, killing all mutant blood beasts.

It's still a bit intriguing, kill it so soon? Not fun at all!

Of course, it is still beautiful in its heart.

This time it has done such a great event, it is estimated that these people of the ancient clan of wind have to establish a monument to it, right? By that time, it's really Liufang Best!

It felt it necessary to thank the big evil star, after all, thanks to his reminder at the critical moment.

Of course, Xiao Jinyun actually wants to wonder, because the group of gold has never looked at it.

"Well, am I doing very well this time? Although thanks to your reminder, it also shows that I have a good understanding!"

Then it heard the golden indifference saying, "That's the power I lent to you, in fact you are nothing."

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

Continue tomorrow. Remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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