
Hearing the words of the emperor, elder Tianfeng and others showed their pride.

Although they are inferior now, their pride is still there. How could they give in to the tribe? !!

Seeing Yun Chu's pouting corner with an unintelligible smile, the chief of the clan asked: "Union Lord, what do you think of this?"

"Emperor Patriarch, I do have something to say, but it may be hard to hear, so I don't want to say anything." Yun Chuyi said.

The emperor smiled: "As the so-called loyalty goes against the ears, the Yunmeng Lord has something to say."

"Okay, let me tell you then.

My evaluation of your actions is only two words-stupid! "

As soon as Yun Chuyu's words came out, the faces of the emperor chief and others were a little ugly.

However, because Yun Chuyu had his words first, they had to be patient and listen down.

"Do you guys think it's very boney to do this? Very modest? Amazing?

Big mistake!

If I were you, I would agree that the tribe would return to the Eight-Dozen Realm.

This is not to yield to the tribe, but to look for opportunities for revenge.

Otherwise, you will be here for millions of years, and you will not have the strength of revenge, let alone the chance of revenge.

Besides, you don't want to think about it, would the Cloud Tribe and Dragon Tribe trade with you without the instructions of the Tribe?

From the very beginning, you have yielded.

All the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and the houses where you live are all food.

So, it's ridiculous to say what awesomeness is now!

It would be better to use this opportunity to return to the Baqi domain. Anyway, it is to bear the burden of humiliation. "

The emperor and other people's faces kept changing, and finally had to admit that they had been deceiving themselves.

In fact, when they got the first batch of supplies, they had crossed the bottom line.

After a while, the chief of the emperor sighed:

"Cloud leader, I admit that what you said makes sense, but have you ever thought about it, if we agree to return to the Baqi domain, what if the tribe kills us all?"

Yun Chuyi pouted his lips: "If the tribe really wants to kill you, you don't need to spend such a big week.

I think they have a different picture. As for the picture, I can't guess. After all, I don't know much about you. "

Elder Tianfeng said, "Even if you are right, that is a prerequisite. We have to find the remains of the towers of the Yun tribe and the dragon tribe."

Yun Chuxi nodded, this is indeed a problem.

Although the clan of the Yun tribe is on the bone essence, she cannot hand it over.

What's more, she didn't know the whereabouts of the dragon tribe's clan.

She rolled her eyes and said, "This is easy to do, you just say that the enchantment is broken, it is no longer safe here, and there is no way to continue summoning the clan towers.

You begged them to let you return to the Baqi Realm and return to the Shunyun Tribe and Dragon Tribe from now on.

I think if the tribe of the sky has other plans, it will definitely agree, even if you do not agree, there is no loss.

I wonder what you guys like? "

The emperor chief thought for a while and said, "The Lord of the Cloud Alliance is a matter of great importance. We need to discuss it carefully.

Let ’s go, I have arranged a reception for the crowd. After dinner, you go to the guesthouse to have a good rest. This matter is a matter of long-term consideration. "

Yun Chu chuckled a smile: "The guest is the subject."

(End of this chapter)

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