Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8867: The whole family is not hungry


If Xiao Jinyun decides to take back, it is not a good thing to have a big evil star in the cloud core.

It was very curious. Every time this Dasha took control of the body to help the stinky girl, what did she want to do this time?

Is it because he is afraid that the people of Yun tribe and dragon tribe will stink?

Alas, it is really considerate!

It doesn't look at this kind of children's affection at all, and it doesn't make any sense!

Still being single and comfortable, the family is full and not hungry.

Yun Chuzhen did not know that Xiao Jinyun had changed her core, and her attention was all on those dark clouds that landed successively.

To be honest, she was somewhat skeptical about the words of the emperor. Until now she saw with her own eyes that she knew that her vision was too narrow.

She always thought that it was quite remarkable that she had a little black cloud, and only she could do it in this world.

However, now that I see the pets of those in the Yun tribe, and then think about the small golden cloud with a big slap in the sleeve, the comparison is really bitter.

Although the cloud pets of those in the Yun tribe are still far from the real dark clouds, they are much larger than the small dark clouds before shrinking, not to mention the current small golden clouds.

She dropped her gaze on the dragons again, but didn't feel much.

She had seen the predecessor of the little dragon before, and it was bigger and more prestigious than those dragons.

Besides, the dragon is a beast no matter how much it is. Any beast is a fool in the eyes of Yun Chuyu, so he won't take it at all.

At this time, the Yun tribe and the Dragon tribe each came out of a middle-aged person.

"The Yun tribe stood to the left and immediately followed us back to the tribe. There must be no mistakes."

"The dragon tribe is standing to the right, the patriarch and the tribe are waiting for you, follow us back to the tribe before talking."

Yun Chuyu thought to himself that although the people of the Yun tribe and the Dragon tribe wanted to achieve the same goal, they spoke in different ways.

Compared to the harsh tone of the Yun tribe, the dragon tribe is much better.

However, in any case, the tone is unquestionable, the emperor chief must go back to the tribe with them.

Before coming, the emperor chief had some psychological preparations for this, so it was not surprising.

Although the Yun and the Tribes who have been trapped in these years live together, in fact, the property is separated, and even the patriarchs take turns to do it, so there is no follow-up trouble.

After the two sides were separated, Tianshou Elder Yun Shouhuai became the trapped leader of the Yun tribe.

Before coming, the elder Fengsan has asked the emperor to verify his bloodline. He is a member of the Yun tribe.

The elder Feng San was relieved. Although he vowed vowedly, it was better not to insert the door.

The middle-aged man of the Yun tribe called himself Yun Zhili, and he arranged for the elder Tianfeng to sit on several cloud pets, and then set off for the Yun tribe.

For the first time, Elder Tianfeng and others sat on top of Yun Chong.

At this time, many people have changed their psychology.

They originally decided not to worship the false totems of the Yun tribe, but when they saw these pets, they shook.

Among the crowd, the elders Yun Chuzhen and He Fengsan were the most calm.

Yun Chuxiong need not say more, she is also a person with a cloud pet.

Although the little dark clouds are smaller than these clouds, they feel almost the same.

The elder Feng San took the light from Yun Chuchu to sit in Xiaowuyun. Anyway, he has also seen people in the world, and he felt that when he first arrived, he must not embarrass his ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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