8901-Star Wars

The patriarch Yun Wanhong briefly said a few words, nothing more than a set of rhetoric.

Yun Wanhe also said a few words in red, and now he can be described as proud, and feels that he has fallen into the face of the mighty host Yun Wanzhen.

If this Qingyun field is really flourishing like Yun Chuyu said, then he will be even more exultant.

After speaking the scene, he signaled that Yun Qize and Yun Qixi's competition could begin.

Before Yun Chuyu heard people talk about the younger geniuses of the Yun tribe, Yun Qi Ze of Gantang and Yun Qi Xi of Kun Tang were among the best.

However, Yun Chuyu has never seen these people. I heard that these people practice in the elite hall of the family on weekdays, and today they are the first time to see them.

Needless to say, their looks and manners are first-rate characters, and Yun Chuyu cares more about their cloud pets.

The cloud marks between the two brows are purple, and their cloud pet qualifications must be very good.

Yun Qize and Yun Qixi politely spoke to each other, and then released their respective cloud pets.

As soon as their Yun pet was released, Yun Chuyu heard a sound of inhalation from around.

Because the pets of both of them carried a circle of silver halo.

Yun Chuyu already knows some common sense, knowing that this silver halo is called a cloud ring, and can cultivate a layer of cloud ring, indicating that their cloud pet has reached the thousand feather realm.

Yun pet's level is divided into empty feather realm, ten feather realm, one hundred feather realm, one thousand feather realm, ten thousand feather realm, there are 100,000 feathers, one million feathers and so on, and each realm is divided into nine.

However, Wan Yujing has been few.

Xiao Jinyun is now in a pitiful empty plume, and this one is barely included because it is too weak.

Xiao Jinyun stared at the two cloud pets in the air, cursing inwardly, hey! Amazing cloud ring? Isn't it just putting a ring on your body? !!

If it wants to, it can put 100 million on it!

These two goods can really be confusing, but I heard that Yunhuan can be hidden and revealed from time to time.

Huh, I don't know how to keep a low profile.

Could it be to demonstrate to it?

Good, wait for Lao Tzu!

I'll break your rings in the morning and evening! Let you wonder!

If Yun Chuxiong knew that his thoughts had to be speechless, you little chicken, others might not know you, and could commit a demonstration against you? !!

He also broke the cloud ring of others, what level do you have in your heart? !!

In this matter, the two cloud pets in the air did not test, but directly fought.

This is also normal. Yun Qize and Yun Qixi are both members of the Elite Hall. They are very familiar on weekdays and often consult, so there is no need to try.

The moment when the two clouds pets collided, they were full of electricity and light, which is more than the scenes that Yun Chuyu had seen in Douyun Field before!

The electric light that collided not only enveloped two clouds, but there was even lightning around.

If there is not a protective array and an isolated array, it is estimated that the close seats will be affected.

Yun Chu squinted his eyes. The battle method between Yun Chong chose a method of relatively small damage. If it is against the enemy, the attack method must be several times stronger than this.

It is estimated that even if it is not as good as the dark clouds in the sky, it is much stronger than the previous small dark clouds.

The genius of the Yun tribe cannot be underestimated!

Xiao Jinyun thought sourly, huh, that's what happened!

I thought it had split the lightning with gold rim, but it split the dark cloud head into two!

These two gadgets are a fart!

Continue tomorrow, roll and sell Mengqiu tickets, Moda!

(End of this chapter)

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