
Everyone sees this scene, there is only one idea in their hearts, Xiao Jinyun is trying to die!

It actually ran into the fireball, what wasn't it? !!

As soon as its small body hits the fireball, maybe the cloud core will be destroyed directly.

Although Yun Chuyu was psychologically prepared, he didn't expect Xiao Jinyun to be so fierce that he voluntarily hit the fireball. Is this really possible?

However, this is already the case, and whether she can do it or not, she is powerless.

The fire lion's big eyes are also staring round, it can be described as battle-hardened, but never encountered the enemy himself hit the fireball.

Dare to love this little broken cloud is not only a defective product, but also a fool!

You ran into it yourself, but you can't count on me.

Xiao Jinyun was instantly wrapped in a cyan flame and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Many people shake their heads and sigh, it's over! Even if it does not die, the cloud core will have to be burnt out and cracked, and Xiao Jinyun will be completely obsolete!

Elder Feng San is also among the crowd. Although he is close to Yun Chuyu, on this occasion, he is really not qualified to go forward.

He couldn't help but pinch his sweat for Xiao Jinyun, thinking in his heart that if Xiao Jinyun was gone, he would give the colander to his ancestor.

Since the colander cloud became larger, it no longer used to find Yun Chuyu as before, but spent most of its time in Dantian's Dantian ... sleeping.

This is no exception.

It noticed the glance of the elder Feng San's sense of glance, rolled over lazily, and continued to sleep.

When everyone thought Xiao Jinyun was going to fart, everyone was surprised to find the blue fireball ... smoke!

Everyone looked at each other, what was going on?

Someone speculated, "Muff, is that little golden cloud that ... is crying? Its tears were turned into water vapor by the fire?"

Everyone thought that this guess was reliable, and said to their hearts, Xiao Jinyun was really a crying bag, and he did not forget to cry when he was dying.

However, everyone soon discovered that with the diffusion of water vapor, the fireball gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

In addition to the fire lion in midair, there was a small cloud of dark clouds, and even the tears shed were black.

Xiao Jinyun finds it too difficult to live!

Not to mention anything else, the taste of being burnt does not want to try a second time in this life!

What a terrible pain!

Not only pain, but also ... disfigurement!

See what it looks like now, just like a black crow! Ugly dead!

It saw the stunned fire lion across, and suddenly he couldn't breathe in one place, but there was a flash of lightning in front of it.

Although it is still so fine, although it is still intermittent, Xiao Jinyun's surprise seems to be different from before.

How to say, it seems more coherent than before.

Could this hardening method be said by Dashaxing to be really useful?

Because the Fire Lion was too surprised, it failed to avoid Xiao Jinyun's lightning in time. Although it would not cause any damage to it, it was quite painful.

It suddenly became embarrassed and burst into a big fireball at Xiao Jinyun again.

Xiao Jinyun hesitated for a moment, then tragically hit the fireball again.

Although the taste of being burnt is hard to boil, but in order to become stronger and to make the smelly girl unable to climb up, I fight!

After a while, the ball of fire erupted again.

Yun Chuxiong was so surprised that she said to Huo Haotian, who was a bit sluggish:

"Ah, do you say that the legendary ancestor's grave smoked this kind of smoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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