
Xiao Jinyun scolded while yelling:

"Specially, tell you to burn me, tell you to burn your father! I chop you!"

"It's not enough to burn your dad with a fire. It's really a black heart to keep firing fireballs constantly!"

"Your father and my tears have been burned to death. You lose my tears!"


Xiao Jinyun didn't tell a lie, it's dry now and no tears!

It turned out that it was an exaggeration to say "the tears ran dry", now I understand, this is the real thing!

The Fire Lion was initially hacked!

Xiao Poyun is not dead?

He's still alive and kicking? !!

When it reacted, it began to struggle, trying to get Xiao Jinyun out of it.

However, Xiao Jinyun's dog skin plaster is not ordinary, and the Fire Lion can't get rid of it even if it struggles.

Xiao Jinyun is unreasonable.

Split the fire lion into ... curly lion.

This is also because the fire lion is a summoning beast of the fire department. If it is another summoning beast of another department, it must have half a life.

The Fire Lion had no choice but to land on the ground and admit defeat.

Although embarrassing, it is better than losing a small life.

Xiao Jinyun chopped it a few times without seeing it, seeing that Huo Haotian seemed to be doing something, then he floated to Yun Chuyu's shoulder.

This time it can be broken!

What is the second strange fire in the world, in front of it is the little weak chicken!

From now on, please call it Bawang Yun!

While it was hesitating, he heard the golden, indifferent voice sounding, "Your quench body is only half finished, and you have time to let it burn you again."

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

Want to cry, but no tears.

Yun Chu was a little surprised. Why was Xiao Jinyun, who was so insane just now, suddenly surprised?

Huo Haotian's mood at this time was extremely complicated. On the one hand, he felt incredible. How could his fire lion lose to a defective product? !!

On the other hand, he felt that he had lost face, and he lost to a little waste, saying that it made people laugh away.

Back to the Fire Tribe, it will surely be ridiculed by others.

He felt that he had to get some face back, and sneered:

"Yun Chuyun, are you very proud? Although your Yun Chong was lucky enough to win my fire lion, but this does not mean anything.

You have to know that if it ’s on the battlefield, it ’s not just the battle with two beasts, you and I have to be involved.

Just your dim sum, I can choke you at will. "

Yun Chuzhen rolled his eyes: "It's useless to say that, give me money quickly!"

Huo Haotian: "..."

He couldn't do anything wrong, and despite the pain, he gave Yun Chu a million spar.

Yun Chuyi immediately smiled and said, "Huo Shaoxia is really an easy guy. If he wants to find me later, he can always come to me, just remember to bring money."

Huo Haotian was angry and speechless, and for a moment did not know what to say.

On the VIP table, Chief Huo's face was not very good-looking.

People have face and tree bark. They talked about it before, but now they lose. Naturally there is no light on their face.

The Yun clan leader is in a good mood. Although Yun Chuyu is not a real Yun tribe, he is at least a name.

She won better than Huo Haotian won.

However, the patriarch Yun is not too bullish on Xiao Jinyun.

Don't look at it today, it won the Fire Lion. That's because the Fire Lion was shocked by its unreasonable card, otherwise it won't win.

You can only see the true chapter on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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