Chapter 8930 Thank You

Yun Tianyun is very spacious above, so Yun Qi deliberately sits far away from Yun Chuyun, with her back to her, a well water does not violate the posture of the river.

Yun Chuyu took the initiative to pick up the past, and diligently passed a fruit: "Brother Qi Ze, come and taste this fruit, it tastes good!"

Yun Qi snorted and ignored her.

Yun Chuzheng clicked and clicked the fruit and said, "Brother Qi Ze, speaking of this golden plum, I bought it with your spar, thank you!"

Yun Qi heard that hate could not hold her down from Yun Tianyun, and then hate grabbed a fruit and took a bite.

It's all his hard-earned money, don't eat nothing!

Yun Chu had a good time, took out a plate of pastry and a pot of tea, and poured a cup of tea for Yun Qi.

"Brother Qi Ze, I think there is a misunderstanding between us and we should talk about it."

"I have nothing to talk to you about," Yun Qi said coldly.

Yun Chuyu said unconsciously: "It's all right, just listen to it, I will talk for myself."

Yun Qize: "..."

Yun Chuyu continued: "Speaking of us, there is no deep hatred between us, is it because I have fortunately won you twice ?!

Victory or defeat is a routine thing, is it worth your resentment? !!

Even if it's really a little unpleasant, I helped you clear up Huo Haotian the other day, and we're pretty even! "

Yun Qi snorted and said nothing.

"I see. You must be angry at the one million spar lost to me, right?

Well, I heard that this time there will be many young people from other tribes attending the meeting. At that time, we will join forces to pit a few fat sheep. After I make money, I will share one million with you, what? "

Yun Qi looked at Yun Chuyu in disbelief: "Are you crazy ?! Not to mention if you can get into someone else, even if you really succeed, you are not afraid they will retaliate against you?"

"What are you afraid of ?! We haven't stolen it, we just made it, and they still have trouble looking for us ?!

Even if they are unreasonable, what can they do to us on the fire tribe?

Besides, are n’t there any patriarchs? !!

They can't just watch us being beaten, it's a big deal to spar them. "Yun Chuyun said softly.

Yun Qi grunted coldly: "You are willing to do it yourself, don't bother me."

Yun Chuyu disapproved and said, "How is this called Lianlei ?! This makes the seer have a share!

Besides, don't you think it's very fulfilling to play them around? !!

But I heard that those so-called Tianjiao show you a lot of face, you don't want to raise your eyebrows and exhale? "

The two sentences behind Yun Chuyu obviously mentioned the pain of Yun Qize. Don't look at the two or five thousand and eighty thousand he dragged at the Yun tribe, but they are inferior to the Tianjiao of other tribes.

Yun Chuyu saw that his mind was lively and hit the railroad while he was hot:

"You can rest assured that these little things we do will not have much impact at all, and those big names should play with us!"

Yun Qi heard her say that, and her heart moved.

Anyway, it shouldn't cause any major disturbances or minor troubles.

"One million is too small, let's split in half."

Yun Chuyi agreed very easily: "Okay, then half right!

Brother Qi Ze, tell me about Tianjiao's personality and strengths so that I can give them a set. "

Yun Qi immediately said everything he knew. As the Yun tribe's Tianjiao, he naturally knew the Tianjiao of other tribes, and had not dealt with it before.

(End of this chapter)

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