Chapter 8949: Blessing

Yun Chuyu couldn't help but wonder, not to see the totem of the fire tribe, to see what she did? !! Are you sick? !!

Does she look too good?

However, she instantly understood what these people meant.

It seems that they are still not sure if the original Yun tribe totem is really annihilated, otherwise Chief Huo would not have to let her come to this celebration.

It is estimated to be ready to see if the Fire Tribe's totem appears for a while, if she will have any unusual reactions.

Yun Chuyu didn't have any psychological burden. Anyway, she didn't know that the original Yun tribe totem was still there. Worrying was useless.

She was more curious about the totem of the Fire Horde.

Suddenly, the flames of the Holy Volcano rose into the sky, and a huge red flame suspended in the air.

The people of the Fire Tribe cried with tears of excitement, and kept devotionally scratching their heads.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Yun Chuyu, the Chief of the Clouds and others also turned their attention to the totem of the Fire Tribe.

Although this is not the tribal totem they worship, there is no need to bow down, but there must be some respect.

Therefore, everyone is in the face of respect, and dare not show the slightest disrespect.

Yun Chuzhen looked up at the red flame, except that he felt that the thing looked really powerful, but he had no other feelings.

The spirit of refining the soul in her right palm was surging and imaginative.

Whoops, this thing looks a little bigger than it, but a little bit brighter than it? !!

I heard that the summoned beasts were called by it, does that mean it knows the nests of those summoned beasts?

If only there was a chance to enter their nest, it would definitely be full!

Of course, if you can, you can swallow this stuff!

In that case, it will force the people of the Fire Tribe to pay tribute to it, and every day there will be fresh fire and summoned beasts to eat, it is simply beautiful!

Of course, if you think about it, it is quite self-knowledge, knowing that you can't beat others, you can only think about it.

Rather than thinking about some of these, let the unscrupulous owner find a way to make it a few fire-based summoning beasts.

At this moment, the suspended Fire Tribe Totem was in full bloom again, covering the kneeling Fire Tribe.

A moment later, the fire faded, and the totem of the fire tribe disappeared into the Holy Volcano again.

Under the leadership of the Huo tribe, the people of the Fire Tribe recited their secret words again, and then cheered.

Yun Chuyu found the envy expression on the head of the Yun clan, presumably the totem of the fire tribe had brought benefits to the people of the fire tribe.

After a while, Patriarch Huo came over in red.

The stone chief of the mountain tribe said sourly:

"Mr. Huo, the totems of your fire tribe this time are richer than in previous years. It really makes me wait for envy!"

Huo clan laughed: "This is the blessing of our tribal totem. I have arranged a feast in the clan, everyone, follow me back and let me do my best."

Although Shi Shi and others were envious of envy and hatred, they were not able to say anything of disappointment. They all got on the flying boat prepared by the Fire Tribe and returned to the Fire Tribe.

On the flying boat, Yun Chuyu asked Yun Qize curiously:

"The celebration is over? Is there no other process?"

Yun Qi smiled: "Of course it's not over, otherwise we won't stay for another night."

"What process is there?" Yun Chuzhen asked curiously.

It continued at four thirty.

(End of this chapter)

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