Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 8962: Yaki unexplored area

Chapter 8962: Eight Qi Secret Realm

Yun Qi felt that Yun Chu's brain was 80% abnormal, and so expensive to use for hot pot?

However, he still said: "Don't think about different fires, the gadgets can be encountered but not in demand. Even in this world, they will basically be taken away by the fire tribe, mountain tribe, and golden tribe, and fall into our hands.

As for the fire, don't think about the thousand and thousand years, only the fire of a hundred years may be available. "

As soon as his words fell, Yun Chuan's consciousness sounded the voice of refining the soul: "I don't picky eaters, it's OK for a hundred years, I don't have it, and I can make it for ten years."

Yun Chu's nose almost crooked!

All of them are food, nothing like her.

"How can I buy a century of fire?"

"It may be in the market of the tribe, but I am not sure if it is.

If you are not in a hurry, there will be a large-scale bazaar outside the mystery when the eight-kids secret realm opens in two months, and there will definitely be a hundred years of flames at that time.

If you are lucky, you can also buy the millennium flame. Yun Qi said.

"Hachi's mystery?"

Yun Qi glanced at her: "Don't you know? You don't even know the Qi Qi secret realm? I think you need to supplement some common knowledge in the Qi Qi domain."

Yun Chuxi laughed twice, and her recent energy was used on Qingyun Field, but she didn't have time to understand these common sense.

Yun Qi didn't say more, but left it to Yun Chuzhen a booklet, which read "Overview of Eight Qi Domains".

Yun Chuzhen turned to look at it, all of the above records are some basic conditions of the Yaki domain, and the latter part mentioned the Yaki secret realm.

The shape of the Yaki domain is like the eight fork roads divided by a large road, and at the intersection of the eight fork roads is the secret place of the eight Qi roads.

The Happiness Zone is open once every five years. There is no requirement for age revision. There is only one requirement, that is, a fate.

Yun Chuyu almost laughed when he saw this.

This request was fresh, and she would like to see how well-connected.

She continued to look down, but unfortunately did not see the relevant explanation.

She didn't find the whole book, so she asked Yun Qi Ze: "What's the matter with someone? How can I determine if someone is with someone?"

Yun Qi heard the words suddenly came to the spirit: "The question you asked is a mystery that has always been unsolvable. From ancient times to today, no one knows the standard of this so-called fate.

There are many people who specifically analyze this matter, and even list a lot of data, and then they don't analyze why. "

"Then how do you know if you have someone?"

"This is simple. When the Qiqi secret realm is opened, people who can't get in will definitely not be destined."

Yun Chuyu: "..."

Yun Qi thought about it and added:

"But it's not a clue. Based on years of accumulated experience, it has been discovered that the Eight-Ki Secret Realm is not very friendly to some elderly people and young people. Basically, very few elderly people and young people are selected.

Young people have a better chance of being selected, but specific criteria have not yet been determined. "

Yun Chuyu also wanted to ask again, the sound of soul refining chanting sounded in the divine sense:

"Don't say that these are gone, hurry up and ask where the tribe's market is, and when you reach the Yun tribe, you quickly buy it."

Yun Chuyu's voice was cold: "You are ordering me? Do you think I will tolerate you forever?

You have claimed to swallow the heart of the heart, I haven't settled with you yet, are you still up? !! "

(End of this chapter)

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