
The elder Feng San said something speechless:

"I don't know what happened. Since the colander cloud got bigger last time, it has been sleeping in my dantian every day and rarely comes out."

"It is estimated that this is its cultivation method. If you observe it again, it will not work. I will ask someone to help you." Yun Chuzhen comforted.

She also read a lot of books in the library these days, but she has never seen a cloud pet like Colander Cloud.

It is estimated to ask for nothing, because such a cloud pet is so amazing.

After Yun Chuyu sent Elder Fengsan away, he took out Yunyi from Yun Qize.

This cloud wing is a bit miserable, and most of it is burnt.

Yun Chuyu turned around and looked around, and found that there is still a difference between Yunyi and Wuyun's Yunyi.

How to describe it?

It's as if the qualified and defective products are the same, although they seem to be the same, but the feel and texture are different.

Obviously, Yunyi's Yunyi is not as good as the dark clouds.

However, this is the cloud pet cloud wing in the early days of Qian Yujing. Perhaps with the improvement of the realm, cloud pet cloud wing will become more and more similar to the cloud cloud of Wu Yun.

Xiao Jinyun squatted on Yun Chuyu's right shoulder and looked curiously. She jumped a few times and jumped on it, then she was not interested.

Yun Chuyu researched for a while and decided to try it.

In case it can be integrated into Xiao Jinyun, it is not a waste of money.

Xiao Jin Yunxin said that if the dark clouds of Yunyi were okay, after the smelly girl bleeds, she might be fused by it.

It's definitely not going to fit this shit.

Sure enough, that cloud wing did not respond after Yun Chuyu dripped his blood.

Yun Chuzheng could not talk about disappointment, but he lost some money.

She was about to put away this cloud wing, but unexpectedly, the little red cloud between her eyebrows blinked, and then the cloud wing on the ground was gone.

Yun Chuyu did not notice that the little red cloud between his eyebrows flickered, but found that the cloud wing suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Jinyun looked at it clearly.

It was a shock!

How is this going?

Where did that cloud wing go?

It quickly compared with Yun Chuyu. After Yun Chuyu guessed what it meant, he subconsciously touched the little red cloud between his eyebrows.

Then start looking inside.

It was just that the scorched cloud wing was not found, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

However, she quickly thought of one thing. The scope of her inner vision did not include the eyebrows. Is she hiding somewhere between the eyebrows?

She stretched her arms and kicked her legs, and did not notice any abnormalities in her body, so she simply put the matter down first.

She has an advantage, that is, she is big-hearted and won't go to the horns of the horns, or she will be sad.

The next afternoon, the Chief Yun sent a message to Yun Chuyu asking her to go through Yunshan the following day.

It's not surprising that Yun Chuzheng, even if she didn't give an idea to the Yun clan leader, the Yun clan leader would certainly take her.

After all, the mountain tribe pointed her at her, and she was definitely going to go.

Yun Qi has also been notified that as a leader of the younger generation, he will deliberately let him participate in many things, which can also be regarded as long-term knowledge and experience.

As a result, Yun Chuyu proposed to take Yunqi Ze's Yuntianyun again, and Yun Qi promised this time.

It was just that after he released Yun Tianyun, he found that Yun Tianyun was far behind Yun Chuan, and it seemed an honor to be able to be ride by Yun Chuan.

Continue tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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