
The chief Yun looked at Yun Qize, the meaning was obvious, let him confirm it.

Yun Qi said, "Here is exactly what Yun Chuyu said. Yun Tianyun did this because he had fun with Xiao Jinyun."

What can he say? !!

Could it be said to the patriarch that he can't command Tianyun now?

Not to mention the patriarch's disbelief, he himself has been a little disbelieving.

Besides, he has lost two people before. If he talks about this matter again, his cloud tribe's proud name on the first day will not be completely protected.

Hearing this, Chief Yun said that although he was still a little surprised, he didn't keep asking.

Rather, Yun Chuyu asked her, "Is it the patriarch, should I be a student of the elite hall now?"

Although the matter is not completely over yet, the chief of the clan Yun is very satisfied with Yun Chuyi's performance this time, so he nodded: "After returning, I will arrange for you to enter the elite hall."

After Yun Chu thanked him, the whole person suddenly felt a little bit drifted, and he walked along with the steps of ... the six relatives did not recognize him.

The Chief Yun was a little speechless. He said to his heart that although this little girl had a bad stomach, the city government did not seem to be deep, otherwise she would not be so happy.

After more than an hour, the crowd finally arrived at Xiyunchi.

Xiyunchi has special guards and three former church owners who have retired.

Because the ranks are there, even the chief Yun is respectful to the three.

Yun Chu's eyes rolled round and round. Hey, hey, I didn't expect there were three big brothers here!

This is a real gangster, much better than the pseudo-gangster in the library!

It is a pity that they have been staying in the Xiyun Pool for a long time.

She instantly turned her attention to the cloud washing pool not far away.

A pool of blue, although there is no small wind on the top of the mountain, there is no ripple in the water.

There are already disciples of the Yun tribe in line. There are special people responsible for verifying identity and collecting family contributions.

Yun Chuyu thought for a while and stood in the team.

Xiao Jinyun jumped a few times, reluctantly.

It won't enter any broken pool!

Not to mention anything else, so cloudy pets are soaking in it, how dirty!

It is a cloud with cleanliness!

Unfortunately, Yun Chuyi ignored it and continued to line up.

Finally it was Yun Chu's turn.

Responsible for checking that person saw the red cloud mark between Yun Chu's frown, frowned slightly, and said:

"Where is the identity card? Know the contribution points of the one-hundred family?"

He recognized Yun Chuyu, so he specifically added the latter sentence, because he was afraid that Yun Chuyu did not have so many family contributions.

Yun Chuzhen really didn't.

She bought some family contributions before and used them in the library.

If you buy it now, it's not good, after all, the Chief Yun is still there.

She rolled her eyes and said, "This is the patriarch rewarding me. Don't believe you ask the patriarch."

The man was skeptical, but he went to the clan Yun and asked, "Clan, Yun Chuyu said, is it true that you rewarded her pet pet to enter the wash pool?"

Patriarch Yun: "..."

Why doesn't he remember saying this?

This little girl is really plucking her hair!

Forget it, soak it!

"Well, there is such a thing, let Qi Ze's Yun Tianyun take a look for it!"

The man was very polite to Yun Qize. When he saw that he was standing beside the line, he said, "Qi Ze, hurry up, or you have to wait for the second dial."

Yun Qi said tiredly: "Where Tian Yun is at the beginning of Yun Yun, let her drop it into the Xiyun pond by the way."

Continue tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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