
Xiao Jinyun ignored Yun Chu's first encounter and continued to be a demon in Xiyun Pond.

Yun Chuyu laughed twice at the deacon: "It doesn't listen to me, let alone Yun Chong is a little bit more lively, you see how happy they are!

The deacon gritted his teeth and went directly to the Chief Yun.

Just turned around and saw the Yun clan leader come over here.

The Chief Yun had been talking to the three former church owners about the mountain tribe, so he just found out that it was messy.

The clan chief Yun said unpleasantly: "Naughty! Yun Chuyi, you immediately get your cloud pet up!"

Yun Chu said dryly: "You know, it's a fake cloud pet, and I can't help it if it doesn't listen to me!"

Chief Yun took a look at her: "Within half a quarter of an hour, if you don't get it up, you will be disqualified from entering the elite hall."

When Yun Chu heard the words, he suddenly changed his face: "Although it is a pseudo-cloud pet, anyway, I am also its owner, so I will try to get it up."

The chief Yun did not care about her, and said in his heart that the little girl had to be forced to do so without slipping.

Yun Chu hesitated to Xiao Jinyun and shouted, "Wang Cai, you hurry up, or I'm really angry!"

Everyone: "..."

Dare to love you was fake before!

Xiao Jinyun ignored her, and still swam fast, taking a break by the way.

Although it has also been chopped by some cloud pets, it is now resistant and is not at all serious.

"Wang Cai, if you don't come up, I'll ..."

Yun Chuyu found that he didn't seem to be able to threaten Xiao Jinyun.

Xiao Jinyun stopped seeing her, and he took a bunch of enemies with him.

Yun Chu gritted his teeth and jumped into the washing cloud pond, ready to catch Xiao Jinyun.

Then she disappeared before everyone.

The former owner of Kantang stomped: "It's over! This little girl's life can't be saved! Is she crazy or stupid, why did she jump into Xiyun Pond ?!

Doesn't she know that other creatures besides Cloud Pet cannot survive in the Wash Cloud Pool? !! "

He said that he didn't agree with looking at Chief Yun: "You're too anxious! If you have any words, don't you say it well ?! This is all right, the little girl's life is gone."

"Kan old, here, I ..."

The patriarch Yun didn't know what to say, and he also regretted it. Where can he think that Yun Chuyu would jump directly into the Xiyun Pond? Does she not even know this common sense? !!

The former host of Gantang waved his hand: "Forget it, you can't blame Wan Hong for this matter. The little girl's Yun Chong made a mess in Xiyun Pool. It was normal for him to criticize her for two sentences.

To blame, blame her for not knowing much, even if she doesn't even know this. "

Kun Tang's former church owner said with a bit of wonder: "Look at that little golden cloud, its owner is dead, and it hasn't even played heartlessly.

Is the fake cloud pet different from the real cloud pet? The owner is dead, and it will not be affected? "

Chief Yun and others looked up, didn't they? !!

That little golden cloud is like nothing happened, and continues to idle there!

It stands to reason that the owner and Yun pet are one. If the owner dies, Yun pet will die immediately. Why is this little golden cloud still alive?

Only one person in the crowd is sad, and that is Yun Qize.

Of course, it's not because he has a deep relationship with Yun Chujun, but he is worried that Yun Chu's death will affect his Yun Tianyun. After all, Yun Tianyun looks very close to Yun Chuyun.

(End of this chapter)

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