
Kun Lao and Kan Lao were moved by the words.

"It sounds reasonable to hear you say that, but how can you verify this?"

Gan Lao shook his head: "I didn't think of any good way for a while, and I will talk to the little girl ashore later."

While the three were talking, Yun Zhilu ran over.

"Three of you, please go and see! That Yun Chuzhen and her Yun Chong are simply messing things up, washing Yunchi again!"

The old three men hurriedly looked at each other, and saw that the cloud pet in Xiyunchi did not practice well, and he was there ... a swimming competition!

Xiao Jinyun bravely moved to the front first, followed by Tian Yun Yun, followed by a large number of cloud pets.

As for Yun Chuyu, he kept saying: "Hold up! Hurry up! Victory beckons at you in front!

The old man said that the top three of the swimming competitions have rewards! "

The beard was so old-fashioned!

Why didn't he remember saying that? !!

Not only was Yun Chuyu shouting for cheering, but people waiting for his own pet on the shore also followed the noisy leaps and bounds.

The reward for doing things old must be very generous, but fools don't want it!

Kan Lao said with a beard, "Lao Gan, don't be angry, you want me to say that this little girl is a bit ridiculous, but lively!

We have always been deserted here. Few such busy days. "

Gan Lao Leng snorted: "You don't care for the calves here, is it because the little girl belongs to you ?!"

Xiyunchi is a place for practice, not a place where she is fooling around.

These cloud pet owners spent a hundred family contribution points, and she was disturbed. "

As soon as his words fell, Yun Pet, who ranked third in the swimming competition, suddenly appeared a half circle of halo, and then flashed away.

Immediately someone on the shore exclaimed: "God! My lightning cloud has successfully advanced to the fifth level of Baiyu Realm! The other day, Mingtian just advanced to the fourth level of Baiyu Realm!"

Immediately afterwards, many pets of the cloud flashed. Although not as obvious as the lightning cloud, they were obviously advanced.

The old three are dumbfounded!

The cloud washing pool does help cloud pets to advance, but basically it is more effective to soak at the ninth peak of each realm.

Although defoaming usually helps practice, it certainly won't change so much.

If it is really so magical, their cloud tribe has long since re-emerged.

How is this going?

For a long while, Mr. Kan mumbled, "Is it because of the swimming competition?"

Gan Lao said silently: "How is this possible ?! Don't be whimsical!"

Kun Lao said aside, "Did you say that it was because these cloud pets were too nervous before, so the effect of cultivation in Xiyunchi was not good.

Now that I am immersed in the swimming competition, I have no other thoughts, so I have advanced smoothly? "

Gan Laojiao: "It's reasonable to say so, but this is our guess."

After the three had this speculation, they did not stop Yun Chuyu, leaving her to be a demon in Xiyun Pond.

The people waiting for Yun Chong on the shore were so excited that they did not expect that this time the harvest was so great. The hundred contributions were worth the money!

They also vaguely think that Yun Pet's advancement may be related to swimming competitions, so watching Yun Chuyu is more pleasing to the eye than before.

Yun Chuyi did not expect to have such an effect. It was a pity that I was surprised. Why can other cloud pets be advanced, but Xiao Jinyun is not?

(End of this chapter)

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