Chapter 9010: Anti-thief

Yun Qi felt that he had suffered 10,000 injuries!

Say good life and death together, do not leave? !

Said a good dog is not too poor at home, and a mother is not ugly? !

Why did you lick the dog for Yun Chujiu again? !

How has this world changed so fast? !

No matter what mood he is in, Tiantian Yun can't pick the lotus after he swims to Yun Chujiu.

Yun Qi was so angry that he decided to turn his grief into appetite and prepared to jump into the lake to pick up the lotus.

However, as soon as he jumped into the lotus flower lake, he felt that he was breathless and climbed back awkwardly.

At first, he thought he was taken by the sky, but when he found it on the shore, everything was normal.

Could it be that the problem lies above the lotus flower lake?

Also, Xiyunchi is now in the lotus lake!

He told his guess and Yun Chujiu, Yun Chujiu took a small fish from the Taixu secret realm and put it in the lake, and it turned white instantly.

Yun Chujiu is not worried but happy!


In this way, no one even robbed her of lotus root and lotus root with her!

Yun Qi saw her sinister smile and immediately guessed her thoughts.

He said angrily: "Don't be too happy too much, don't say anything else. With such a large area of ​​lotus flower lake, in what year and month can you pick the lotus flower by yourself? Not to mention the troublesome digging lotus root! "

Yun Chujiu said indifferently: "What's so difficult ?! Let Yun Chong help me get it right ?! Then I will ask the patriarch to send me a point cloud pet to help me, and it will be done in a moment."

Yun Qize: "..."

Can you stop being so lacking in virtue? !

The lotus root and lotus root are not for everyone, but expect others to work for you? !

While angrily eating Lianpeng thrown up by Yunchujiu, he said, "Will the patriarch agree?"

"Be confident, remove the word"? "."

Yun Qize: "..."

Yun Chujiu had almost eaten, so he said to Yun Qi:

"I went to see the patriarch, you are here to guard, so that no one will enter the lotus lake by mistake, and it will be bad if you die!"

Yun Qi said heartily that the estimate you were worried about was not this, but that someone might learn that the lotus seeds are sweet and fragrant.

However, he found that Ao Tianyun was still in the lotus flower lake, and he didn't seem to plan to leave with Yun Chujiu.

He felt a little comfort in his heart, it seems that Ao Tianyun still cares about him, otherwise he will not stay specially to stay with him.

After Yun Chujiu left, Yun Qi saw Ao Tianyun "picked" several lotus lints, and he was even more happy.

It seems that Yun Tianyun is still thinking about him, otherwise he will not pick him up.

However, the next moment, he saw the few lotus seeds that Ao Tianyun had picked ... placed on the other side of the lake, looking like an anti-thief.

Needless to say, the anti-thief is him.

Yun Qi wanted to cry, he was too difficult!

On the other side, Yun Chujiu trot all the way to meet the Yun patriarch.

They are still there, it is estimated that they are still discussing the matter of washing Yunchi.

"Patriarch, three seniors, good news, there is good news!" Yun Chujiu said as soon as he entered.

Qian is always an impatient man, and he quickly asked, "What good news?"

"Xiyunchi has responded! It probably means that it will take a while to recover as usual." Yun Chujiu said excitedly.

"Really?" Chief Yun and the three seniors were surprised and happy.

Yun Chujiu looked sincere:

"Really! Yun Qi can testify to me. Now the water of Ouhua Lake has changed. The living things, that is, monsters and the like, can't breathe. This is the beginning of recovery.

The remaining three chapters are updated at five o'clock. These days there are many things, and the update time is not stable. I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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