9017 Summon Beast

Yun Chujiu's heart moved. Before she remembered, Yun Wanyan said he had an inference but was interrupted by the Yun patriarch.

Could he say this?

Although Yun Chujiu was a little curious in his heart, he said lightly: "I am very busy and not interested."

Yun Wanyan shouted:

"I have to say it if you are not interested! This is a golden opportunity! If you miss it, you will regret it for life!"

Yun Chujiu glanced at him: "If you say these are useless, I will listen if you give me money, otherwise I will not listen."

Yun Wanyan: "..."

He felt that he couldn't adjust it enough, but he didn't expect this little girl to be even better, so shameless!

In the end, it took Yun Wanyan 10,000 crystals to let Yun Chujiu "sell" him a quarter of an hour.

Yun Wanyan brought Yun Chujiu to his yard, and after opening various isolation methods, he said mysteriously:

"Little girl, do you know where the summon beast came from?"

Yun Chujiu shook her head, she was really puzzled, these summoned beasts can never appear out of thin air, right? Where were they originally?

She asked Yun Qize and others before, they are not clear, could this Yun Wanyan know?

However, the next moment, she heard Yun Wanyan sigh: "I don't know either."

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but roll his eyes, you don't know what you say? !

"But, I am sure that the people of the Tian tribe know!

Think about it, if they do not know the origin of the summon beast, how can they give us the current tribal totem? !

Moreover, you think about it, the beasts of the sky tribe are varied, whether they are the pets of our tribe, or the beasts of other tribes, they all have!

So I guess they must know where the summon beasts are, and they can control them to a certain extent.

This is terrible!

Think about it, once they have bad intentions, the summoned beasts that have been summoned by us are likely to kill the Lord, and then the Tian tribe can do whatever they want. Yun Wanyan said sadly.

Yun Chujiu was really attracted by Yun Wanyan's remarks. She wondered: "According to me, the Zhitian tribe has been around for a long time. Why have they been so slow?"

Yun Wanyan suddenly revealed an inscrutable look and said: "I speculate that although they know where the summon beasts are, they cannot currently fully control them.

For example, the Huo tribe, their tribal totem obviously does not listen to the Tian tribe, the Tian tribe should wait for an opportunity.

I guess this timing is related to the Baqi Secret Realm.

There must be something important in the Baqi Secret Realm, otherwise the Tian Tribe will not buy everything you bring out from it every time. "

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, and Yun Qi did tell her that everything brought out of the Baqi secret realm can be sold to the Tian tribe, and the price is very high.

Except for a part of Tiancaidibao, the things brought out of the Baqi Secret Realm are of little use, so everyone basically sells them to the Tian Tribe.

She looked to Yun Wanyan: "What do you mean by telling me?"

"Because you worship the former tribal totem, you may have a different chance after you enter, so you may know that these may be useful.

You have to believe me, I am really kind this time. Yun Wanyan said sincerely.

Unfortunately, Yun Chujiu didn't believe a word.

She looked at Yun Wanyan quietly without speaking.

Yun Wanyan rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to use this message as an exchange. You help me to send a letter to the Dongtangtang of the hill tribe."

Tomorrow to continue at noon, da da!

(End of this chapter)

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