Chapter 9029: Clear Angle

Yun Qi's expression is a bit complicated, and there is a little worry about anger and frustration.

He said in a low tone: "Rosa night sand and purple blood spider eggs are the treasures that can be encountered in Baqi's secret realm.

Raksha Yesha is the excrement of Raksha Poison Bat ... "

Yun Chuji suddenly whispered and said: "Also excrement, isn't it Baba ?! What do the Tribes want this thing? Do they like to eat **** ~~~ Shit?"

Yun Qize: "..."

He frowned: "This must not be heard by the people of the Tian tribe, otherwise your life will not be saved.

Don't look at the fact that the Raksha Yesha is a Raksha poisonous bat, um, Baba, but it is a very precious medicinal material, and there are priceless treasures in the market.

Let me tell you this, one or two Raksha Yesha can change a bunch of ten thousand years of fire, which shows how precious it is. "

Yun Chujiu's spirit fell down: "It's so valuable? Then collect more points, is it possible that the Raksha Poison Bat also protects Baba?

I have heard of nursing food, but I have never heard of protecting food! "

Yun Qi explained: "It's not a kind of protection, but the Raksha poisonous bat is different from other bats. This kind of Raksha poisonous bat is not a social monster, but a loner and a strong sense of territory.

As soon as someone steps into its territory, it will attack.

Its attack power is very strong, and it is highly toxic. Once bitten by it, it will instantly die and there is no solution.

What's more, the higher-level monsters have fewer excretion times, and Raksha Yesha's weight is extremely light.

Based on past experience, only at least half of the Raksha Yesha collected from a Raksha Poison Bat lair.

You think about how difficult it is to collect three hundred pounds! "

Yun Chujiu touched his chin and said, "You said, how about giving them laxatives?"

Yun Qize: "..."

Why do you always look so clear from the perspective of the problem? !

He was too lazy to talk to her and turned to purple blood spider eggs.

"Purple blood spider eggs, as the name implies, are purple blood spider eggs.

Purple blood spiders only lay an egg for a hundred years, so they are extremely precious.

Every time an egg is born, the male and female purple blood spiders will take turns in the mouth, so you want to get the purple blood spider eggs, unless you can defeat the male and female purple blood spiders.

So tell you, only the host can deal with two purple blood spiders at the same time.

Want to collect two hundred pieces? It can only be said that it is harder.

In addition, although the other things listed in the list are easier than the two, but it depends on luck if you want to pay in full.

Therefore, the Tian tribe is deliberately embarrassing us. "

Hearing this, Yun Chujiu gathered the Yun patriarch and asked, "Patriarch, are the lists of several other tribes the same as ours? Or is it only our difficulty?"

Others heard Yun Chujiu asking this question, and they all looked at the Yun patriarch.

Chief Yun smiled bitterly: "About the same."

Yun Chujiu immediately sighed: "I thought I could not buy something from them, but now I don't seem to have much hope.

Patriarch, can you buy it from other places?

Does the Tian Tribe also limit the need to be fresh? "

Chief Patriarch Yun smiled bitterly again: "Yes, it can only be the things brought out of the Baqi secret realm this time, not the ones brought before."

Yun Chujiu blinked and blinked: "Now collect some, bring it in and bring it out, is it not new?"

Chief Yun: "..."

Yun Tang, the main lord of Qiantang Tang, said angrily: "Do you think that the people of the Tian tribe are fools ?! If you do this, it means death!"

(End of this chapter)

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