
Yun Chujiu was a little dissatisfied and pouted:

"Are all the people of your mountain tribe so poor ?! Is it just as easy to take out some money ?!

By the way, give me what you have collected, otherwise I will kill you! "

The one hundred and twenty people were unhappy, but they could only follow.

Just one day after he came in, he only collected a Baxuan golden thread plant, which is not too rare.

Yun Chujiu skimmed his mouth again, then took a medicine from the storage ring and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

"What did you eat for me?" The man yelled in horror.

"It's nothing. I'm shocked. You can recite secret words now." Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

The man's face was angry and frightened: "You lie to the ghost! You must give me poison, and quickly cure me, otherwise I will fight with you!"

Yun Chujiu snorted coldly: "I believe it or not, if you don't recite secret words now, I'll do it! Give you ten time, ten, nine ..."

The man gritted his teeth, and finally chanted secret words, disappeared before Yun Chujiu's eyes.

At this time, many people outside the secret realm could not bear the danger inside, and the chanting secret words were sent out, and they gathered together in groups to discuss the situation inside.

After the man from the mountain tribe was sent out, he hurriedly went to find the host of Chuntang.

The reason to find Chuntang Tangzhu is because the most clever mountain tribe medical doctor is Chuntang Tangzhu.

The main hall of Spring Hall frowned when he saw him: "Just look? You were teleported so quickly? I thought you had hope to enter the elite hall this time.

Shi Duwang almost cried!

He doesn't even think about elite affairs now, and his life will be lost!

"Church Lord Chun, help! I was fed poison by Yun Chujiu, you must hurry and save me!"

Master Chun Tang froze for a moment, and then scolded: "A lot of nonsense! You just came out of the Baqi secret realm. When did Yun Chujiu poison you?"

"Just now, I met her haplessly. I thought, wanted to rob her, but she was pitted.

She erroneously told me that I had no money, and gave me a poison.

This stinky girl is so vicious, I have to give her blood and blood to pay for it! "Shi Duwang gritted his teeth."

"Did you meet her in the secret realm? Aren't all the people in the secret realm? How can you meet her?" Chun Tang asked, puzzled.

Shi Duwang looked confused: "I don't know what happened, anyway, I just met her."

"Then how did she subdue you?"

Shi Duwang felt that he was pitted by chili noodles, which was really shameful, so he vaguely said:

"It's also my carelessness, so I'm under her secret calculations.

Master Chuntang, please help me to see what poison I have. I feel dizzy now, is it poisonous? "

The main examiner of the Spring Church diagnosed the pulse and frowned, "Why, there is no sign of poisoning."

Shi Duwang's suspicion: "Did you make a mistake? If I didn't get poisoned, why do I feel dizzy?"

Master Chun Tang said impatiently: "If you don't believe in my medical skills, please be smart!"

After that, he walked away.

Shi Duwang felt anxious and scared, and suddenly felt his heart hurt.


It must have been that Yun Chujiu gave him poison from both sides of the world, so even the host of Chunchun couldn't detect it.

For today's sake, I can only wait for her to come out and seek medicine from her.

Update the remaining four chapters at six.

(End of this chapter)

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