Chapter 9062 is also a brain

The purple blood spiders made a disdainful hiss, and this Baqi honey badger is really stupid!

Could it be that they gave them a kowtow, they would spare it? !

Don't eat snacks that come to your door!

Gee, there is still a legendary human being who can try it today.

Although the invincible honey badger can't understand what the purple blood spiders are calling, it also guesses a little, but it is now ecstatic and decides to be more generous, not as general as they are.

He climbed up and said to Yun Chujiu with his consciousness:

"How? I said I didn't lie to you? You still don't believe it!

Do you know how sad your doubts made me? How sad is it?

Should you compensate me? "

Yun Chujiu is also a little ignorant now. She originally believed that the Baqi Honey Badger was fooling her, but now such a fence has really emerged.

Is she wronging it?

"Don't worry, wait until these purple blood spiders are cleaned up. By the way, why don't you rush forward? This is not like your character!"

The invincible honey badger rolled his eyes. Although he was known as a fighting madman, he also had a brain.

Now rushing up is basically the same as dying, before the fool rushes forward!

It laughed twice: "Let's let that and what become a fine yarn ball, I think these purple blood spiders are a little sick."

Yun Chujiu pouted his lips and released the yarn ball.

The yarn ball was trembling with excitement!

My goodness!

So many spider threads!

Enough for it to give 218 sets of little cute knitting!

Those purple blood spiders saw the ball of yarn rushing over, and did not take it seriously, just such a gadget, they could kill it by any one.

Forget it, solve it first, and then eat the baqi honey badger and the little human girl.

A purple blood spider spewed a bunch of poisonous spider silk at the yarn ball first. The yarn ball stretched out with his right hand and gently grabbed, and then began to entangle the yarn.

The purple blood spider suddenly made a call for help, and immediately a purple blood spider came to help, and also sprayed a bunch of poisonous silk against the yarn ball.

The ball of yarn stretched out his left hand this time and grabbed the spider silk.

It is also powerful, can wrap wool with one hand, and is extremely fast.

The other purple blood spiders naturally couldn't watch it, they all crawled over and sprayed at the yarn ball.

The yarn ball rolled his eyes and his hands flew quickly.

The invincible honey badger didn't see how it operated, and saw the yarn ball wrapped with several bundles of spider silk in one hand, and quickly made two large groups of spider silk.

Those purple blood spiders are scared!

They have bitten off their own spider silk, ready to escape.

At this time, Yun Chujiu said crisply:

"Wait a minute! But here is your home, and the cobwebs you finally made, are you just giving up, is it a pity?"

The purple blood spiders looked at Yun Chujiu angrily and said, "Who caused this, do you have no points in your heart?" I'm so sorry to ask !

"My person is the most soft-hearted, and the most ignorant of such pitiful things, so let's do a business.

You send me some spider eggs, I will leave here immediately. "Yun Chujiu smiled like a big tail wolf."

The purple blood spiders made an angry hiss, the spider eggs were their cubs, how could they abandon their cubs? !

"Don't be angry! Doing business is about paying attention to your wishes, and I will not force you if you don't want to.

Come, I will show you something good. "

Yun Chujiu finished speaking, and threw the corpse of the purple blood spider that was not decent by the invincible honey badger scourge on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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