Chapter 9073 is doomed

Although Shi Dukuan's brain was not as good as Yunchujiu, he was not stupid, and he immediately felt that there was a problem.

His first reaction was to leave here.

However, he soon despaired!

Because unless the time limit expires, or outsiders come, he will not be able to go out.

Voice calligraphy?

Even more useless!

Here, any Fu Zhuan will lose its effectiveness.

Even so, he will not sit still.

He didn't use his full strength before because he knew he couldn't beat it.

But now there are worries about life and there is a sudden rise.

He took out a pair of chain double hammers from the storage ring, poured the repair into it, and went crazy.

Although those black puppets had only superficial intellect, they still had the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm.

As soon as he entered the cave, he hit the stones on both sides of the hole with a chain hammer, and the falling stones sealed the hole.

He took some heavy objects out of the storage ring and pressed it against the hole.

The sound of ding ding boo came from outside, apparently the black puppets were hitting stones.

Shi Dukuan panted and gasped. He knew that it wouldn't take long, and those black puppets would soon attack.

He quickly took out some healing medicine and swallowed it, and then took out a quaint little porcelain bottle.

This was given to him by the Shi patriarch and was used to save lives.

There is a red elixir with golden lines in it. After swallowing it, the cultivation ability will soar and the fighting power will increase greatly.

This is not an ordinary kind of cultivation practice soaring, but to upgrade the cultivation of people to the extreme.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, the aging is only half an hour.

Shi Dukuan couldn't help laughing, half an hour?

After that half an hour?

Forget it, live a little longer for a while, maybe grandfather repented, and let people let him go.

He is purely comforting himself. Even if the Patriarch of the Patriarch hurts him again, he has to behave like that. How could he be released as soon as he was locked in? !

What's more, if this matter is related to Shi Duchang, he will do everything possible to prevent it.

He shook his head, hoping that he thought more, it was just an accident.

If things were really related to Shi Duchang, he did n’t care, and his grandfather would be very sad.

As soon as a few thoughts flashed in his mind, the hole was broken by black puppets.

Shi Du bit his teeth wide and swallowed the red elixir.

In an instant, the bones of his body creaked, the blood vessels swelled slightly, and roared, stroking the black puppet with a chain and thumping.

Even if the black puppets were broken up, they would soon be regrouped together, so even if Shi Duankuo's repairs soared, they would barely support.

Shi Dukuan never felt that half an hour was extremely short, but even if he was reluctant, the effect of the drug would pass.

He was a bit desperate!

Just die, it is really unwilling!

Knowing this already, he might as well try his best not to kill that Tian Qizong, at least he can export his wickedness.

He shook his mind a little, the chain threw off his hands, and several black puppets fell on him.

He had to curl up to protect the vital point, the pain came again from his body, and his consciousness was even a little blurred.

He knew he couldn't live.

He murmured: "Grandfather, I disappointed you!"

Immediately afterwards, he smiled bitterly again: "Sister Jiujiu, you also said that I am the person who does the big thing, you are wrong, I am destined to be ...

His words were not finished yet, and a clear voice came behind him:

"What are you destined for?"

Tomorrow to continue, roll around and sell Mengqiu monthly tickets, why not!

(End of this chapter)

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