Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9079: I think you are fooling me

Chapter 9079 I think you are fooling me

Although Yun Chujiu decided to accept the invincible honey badger, he said:

"Let me accept you, as long as you have a way to go out, I will accept you immediately."

The invincible honey badger groaned angrily: "If I had a way to go out, I would have gone out and beat the invincible player all over the world!"

Although it said so, it still began to look at its heritage.

It has too many heritages, after all, it has accumulated countless generations.

Some of these inheritances are useful, some are useless, plus the invincible honey badger spends most of its time on the shelf, so there are many inheritances that it has never looked at.

The invincible honey badger looked through it for three days. During this period, he did not eat or drink, and lost a full circle. The original big eyes had dark circles.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but feel moved. It seems that the invincible honey badger's desire to be her spiritual pet is not so strong!

Her personality charm is too strong now!

What she didn't know was that the invincible honey badger encouraged herself like this:

"The little girl at first glance is stupid and has a lot of money, and she will not worry about eating and drinking because of her!"

"Just work hard! Let's go over again! To eat more flavors of honey, fight!"

"Perseverance is victory. For more unknown opponents and more fights, rush!"


Not to mention, when the invincible honey badger turned to the fourth day, he finally found a valuable clue.

"Master, according to my heritage, the power of space near the enchantment is unstable, and if there is someone who controls the space, it may be possible to go out."

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up suddenly, which is easy to handle!

There are three white dog-tailed grasses, which is not a problem!

Although I do n’t know where I will go, I ’m better than being trapped in a secret realm.

The three whites in Dantian were a little unhappy. They used up a lot of energy in the small channel before, and they did n’t say anything about it. When they used them, they remembered them.

It ’s useless to be upset, and they have to follow suit.

Yun Chujiu said to the invincible honey badger: "Good job! If you can really go out this time, I will accept you next time I come in. Let's see you back!"

The invincible honey badger was almost mad!

Next time?

You may not come next time!

Then, it saw Yun Chujiu smiling like a big tail wolf.

Only then did it know that Yun Chujiu was teasing it, and could not help rolling his eyes, childish!

It suddenly remembered that Yun Chujiu's gadgets were all named, and said quickly:

"Give me a name! It's better to be a name that is powerful, domineering, and scary to hear!"

This time, the name of Yun Chujiu can be abolished!

Powerful, domineering, scary when you hear it?

Otherwise, it's called ...

As soon as Yun Chujiu said the name, the invincible honey badger shook his head like a rattle:

"This name doesn't work. My grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa is called this name."

"That invincible?"

"This is even worse, it is said that my ancestors called this name."


"This is my father's father's name."


Yun Chujiu took a bunch of domineering side leaked names, and the results were all used by the ancestors of the invincible honey badger.

Yun Chujiu exhausted his patience and saw the bean bag in his hand, his eyes lit up:

"Aren't you a fighting madman? So there must be a fighting word in this name. The fighting word is the same as Dou. You will call it Xiaodoubao in the future!"

Invincible honey badger: "..."

I think you are fooling me! Although I have no evidence.

Tomorrow to continue, remember to vote, what!

(End of this chapter)

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