Chapter 908 Xiao Bo Zhong, you stop

Sun Chang Lao laughed at the sky: "I am alone, you can't hide, today Grandpa must pull you back."

Sun elders used all their strength to jump forward, this is to blew Dantian, when the air thinks of a crisp laughter: "Xiao Bozhong, your life is so expensive, how can you waste on these scum?! Look small How can I avenge you?"

Xiao Bo Zhong?

Sun Chang Lao was suddenly forced!

by! This name has been called for hundreds of years, no one called it? ! Who is this, who has eaten the bear heart leopard and dare to call him?

The other people in Nanyu Square also heard the voices coming from the air. When they looked up, everyone burst into a burst of cheers: "Yun Xiaozu, Yun Xiaozu is here!"

"The death of the Temple of the Devil is here!"

"Cloud Xiaozu! Let these shameless scums die!"


The elder Sun’s face was so eager to see a beautiful girl from the air galloping from the air, he wondered, Yun Xiaozu? Where is the cloud ancestor? And these people, regardless of the martial art, call her Yun Xiaozu, is this her name? How did you get such a wonderful name? !

After the cloud fell to the ground, he glanced at Sun’s elders: “Waste dim sum! Good not to learn bad, nothing to learn what people are exploding?! Go and go!”

The elders of Sun’s face are so aggressive that if they are not seriously injured, they can’t wait to slap the little girl, who are you? ! Actually, training him with the tone of this grandson is really not big or small!

Everyone stopped the attack at this time, surrounded by the cloud, and treated the wounds, meditating and meditating. I don’t know why, when they saw the beginning of the cloud, they had a sigh of relief and felt that there was no difficulty in defeating them.

At the beginning of the cloud, he did not take care of Sun’s elders. Instead, he glanced at the situation in front of him and then snorted: “The demon temple, the name is loud, let me see, not a nest of wild cats! Let me say Don't call the Temple of the Devil, just call the House of the Beast!"

Hahaha, I heard the words of the beginning of the cloud, and everyone burst into a mocking laughter. When I saw this little girl, my heart settled down as if I had the heart.

Said alone and sullenly said: "Smelly girl, you have repeatedly broken the big things of our gods, and die!"

The solitary opinion cloud is only a layer of the emperor. Although I heard that this little girl has some evil doors, but still did not put it in my heart, the sword stabbed the past, he also has the heart to make meritorious deeds, if you can catch or kill the cloud That is a headful.

Su Yanran stood on the side and did not stop. She also wanted to see what strength the cloud is now and now, and then make plans. Anyway, there is Yun Xiaotian in hand, and she can't run out of my palm.

At this time, he was already fighting with Yunchu. He thought that he would take the cloud at the first hour of no more than a quarter of an hour. What he never imagined was that Yun Yunyu had been hiding from him every time. Attack, but no injuries, and the mouth is still not idle.

"Don't be alone, you said that you are more and more lived back?! You are so arrogant that you don't want to be a running dog, you say you are not?"

"Su Su Ran was originally your apprentice. Now that you are calling the adult as a big man, you are really a model of a shameless face!"

"Independence, you forget the ancestors of the code, for the so-called Fei Huang Tengda even the ancestors do not want! I see you will not be so lonely after the future, it is called Wang Bayi!"


(End of this chapter)

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