Chapter 9081 Universal Blood

"Two dogs, they are a bit like bone essence, do you have any good solutions?" Yun Chujiu asked.

"Little fairy, maybe these black puppets have something to do with bone essence, or else you take the bone essence out to scare them?" Er Gouzi said uncertainly.

Although Yun Chujiu felt that this method was unreliable, but now he is still a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he took down the wooden box on his back, then took the red skull out of it and shouted:

"Oh! Look at what this is?"

However, the black puppets were as if they hadn't heard or seen, and they ignored her at all.

Nor can it be said that she ignored her, and two of them broke through the blockade of stupid men and ran over to beat her.

Seeing this, Yun Chuji quickly threw the red skeleton aside, carrying a broken sword to face the battle.

While playing, she said to Er Gouzi: "Look at your bad idea, it's not reliable at all!"

The clever and bald two dog scratched the dog's head with his paws, thought about it and said, "Master, or try with your all-powerful blood!

These black puppets look very similar to the stone puppets of the mountain tribes, and maybe you will listen to you after you drop blood. "

Although Yun Chujiu still feels unreliable, there is no other good way to take the porcelain bottle containing her blood from the storage ring and drip the blood on the two black puppets.

Then, what stunned her happened!

I saw her blood dripping onto the black puppet, and immediately penetrated into the stone, and then the black puppet began to have cracks spreading, and then turned into a stone face.

Er Gouzi said excitedly: "Useful! Sure it works! Little fairy, your blood is indeed almighty blood! Quickly, quickly clean up those black puppets!"

Yun Chujiu didn't have much time to think about it. He was busy dropping blood on the remaining black puppets according to Er Gouzi.

Like the two black puppets in front, they also turned into black stone faces.

Yun Chujiu let the dog's tail grass stare at the piles of stone faces, but she came over to check the stone width.

He was relieved to see that he was not in danger.

After feeding him some healing pills, she ran to study the stone faces.

After studying for a while, I didn't find any valuable clues.

It was at this moment that Shi Duan was awake.

Shi Dukuan was shocked after hearing the "truth" Yun Chujiu said.

Yun Chujiu leaned on the invincible honey badger and said lazily:

"Brother Shi, what are you going to do next? I guess irresponsibly. These black puppets must have been fooled by someone. Someone will hurt you!"

Shi Dukuan struggled a little: "Perhaps, maybe it was an accident, after all, no one in the family can manipulate these black puppets."

Yun Chujiu pouted: "It seems that you still have illusions, but this is your private business, and I can't say anything.

What I am more concerned about now is, how do we get out? Can't you really stay here for a month? ! "

Shi Dukuan smiled bitterly: "Unless a month expires or someone comes to release us halfway, otherwise we can't get out at all."

Yun Chujiu disagreed and said: "I have all come out of the Baqi secret realm. This little black stone cliff can still trap me ?! However, I have to sleep first, and then I will find a way to sleep."

After the goods were finished, he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Shi Dukuan: Why do you have such a big heart? !

Update the remaining four chapters at six.

(End of this chapter)

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