Chapter 9083 I have to go

The invincible honey badger was happy, but it made the stone face scattered, and the sleeping stone was wide and choking.

Yun Chujiu said angrily: "Xiaodou Bao!"

The invincible honey badger just stopped talking, and took a small step to Yunchujiu, a clever look of admitting wrong.

Yun Chujiu saw the stone face covered with it, and suddenly lost his breath: "Go outside, clean up and come in again!"

The invincible honey badger didn't dare to quit, obediently out of the cave.

When it came out of the cave, it changed its face, and muttered: I didn't play a few rolls? As for such a nose, is it not a nose and a face? !

Don't let me get away, right? I have to go!

So, the goods lay rolling on the ground, and then ... rolled down the cliff, and made a scream of sorrow.

Yun Chujiu was startled. When he came out, he only heard the looming screams below. The invincible honey badger had disappeared from the platform.

Shi Dukuan, who was sleeping in the cave, stumbled and ran out at this time: "What happened? How did I hear the Baqi honey badger calling? Where is it?"

Yun Chujiu's expression was solemn: "It should have fallen off, where is it below?"

Shi Duan's broad face: "What did you say? It fell? How is this possible ?! This place is bounded, how can it fall?"

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Shi Dukuan picked up an ordinary stone and threw it forward, but the stone bounced back.

Yun Chujiu frowned, reached out and tried a bit, and touched a layer of obstacles. It seemed that Shi Dukuan was right, and there were indeed enchantments around him.

So the question is, how did the small bean bag fall?

She was not particularly worried. Although it is impossible to communicate with the invincible honey badger now, she can feel that it is still alive and there should be no worries of life for the time being.

However, after a long time, it is hard to say. .

Shi Dukuan thought for a while and said, "Are only the Qi Qi Badgers not restricted?"

Yun Chujiu thinks this is not the reason. The invincible honey badger has always lived in the secret state of Baqi. It stands to reason that he can't fight this Xuanshiya Baganzi. How could it be the only exception?

So why can it fall?

She recalled what happened before, and her eyes fell on a little stone face on the ground.

Is it because the invincible honey badger is covered with stone face?

In other words, this enchantment is not effective for black puppets?

In order to verify her guess, she took a fruit from the storage ring, wet it with water, covered it with a layer of stone, and threw it down.

This time, no obstacles were encountered, and the fruit fell.

Shi Duan's eyes widened, his mouth widened, and he pointed at the bottom tremblingly with his hands, but he didn't say anything.

Yun Chujiu narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm going to take a look. Are you waiting on it or are you following me?"

Shi Dukuan heard the words and blurted out: "Are you afraid of falling down and falling to death?"

His worry was not unreasonable, no one knew how deep it was, and if he could not summon the summoned beast, he would have to fall to death.

"I can feel that Xiaodou Bao is all right. Since it was not killed, we should be all right if we go down," Yun Chujiu said.

Shi Dukuan was hesitant, but he thought that if he stayed on his own, in case of any danger, it would be a death in his current state.

Finally, my heart crossed and said, "I will go down with you too."

(End of this chapter)

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